STP waits for each party to be clear before determining their stance on July 4.

"Warawut" leads 10 MPs with a pink woven necktie embroidered with the Thai National Pattana logo to report to themselves. Refuse to answer the vote on who sits in the House of Representatives. Wait for each party to be clear before calling a party meeting on July 4 to discuss advantages and disadvantages.

Mr. Warawut Silpa-archa, party-list MP and leader of the Chart Thai Pattana Party, led 10 party MPs to report to the Secretariat of the House of Representatives. Ready to reveal that today (June 28) is a good time for party MPs to return from abroad and stay with all 10 people to show their readiness and to consult with each other. From looking at the schedule, today is the President's Day. May be old-fashioned, but auspicious to win a little As for the direction of voting for the President of the Council of the Chart Thai Pattana Party It is currently unknown who it will be. In the morning of July 4, a meeting of the Chart Thai Pattana Party will be held. to discuss the party's approach after knowing the name of the candidate for the chairman of the council each party Have to wait to see clarity again. Because today I still can't see clearly. Therefore, there has not yet been a meeting or discussion.

As for the Kao Klai Party, Mr. Padipat Santipada was launched as a candidate for the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The leader of the Chart Thai Pattana Party said that the Kao Klai Party had considered the right person. 0It is the right of the party to present a candidate for the chairman of the council. in the part of the Progressive Party But on the part of the party, wait until then. Because at this time it is not clear whether there will be a challenge or not. I know only the candidates of the far-reaching party must wait for clarity first. Although voting is the privilege of MPs, but will discuss advantages and disadvantages after each party is clear

As for the issue of controversy, the position of the chairman of the council Will there be a change of poles, forming a government or not? Mr. Warawut said he could not answer that the Chart Thai Pattana Party had only 10 MPs, sitting in one van and it was all gone. Have to wait for clarity from the big party on how to approach it. Keep an eye on the situation first. Pol. Lt. Gen. Wiroj Pao-in, who has been a veteran politician for a long time, has experience, maturity, knowledge and has been accepted by many parties. But confident that the first meeting will go well.

When asked to reiterate whether there will be anything causing political stagnation or not The leader of the Chart Thai Pattana Party said that nothing would cause Thai politics to stumble. When electing the chairman of the council and elect the Prime Minister government form Everything will follow the course of the democratic system that uses the Speaker of the House of Representatives to determine how to move forward. the government runs the country Nothing stumbled.

The part that if the polarity is reversed Will there be a rally or not? Mr. Warawut said that many people could not pay back But everything after the election is uncertain. Talking to each other is the right of each party to work. And it's unlikely that there will be violence. Because each party probably understands the political situation in Thailand. to support the political situation in Thailand to pass smoothly

When asked if 14 million votes is considered a majority or not, because the senator sees it as a minority The leader of the Chart Thai Pattana Party said that 14 million votes is a lot. and considered the most sound But Thailand has a population of 66 million people, with more than 50 million voters, depending on each person's thoughts. If you think that 14 million out of 50 million may not be the majority, but 14 million compared to other parties. Being the party that got the most votes, I can really think about it. I have to say that every coin has two sides. It depends on which side we look at. The Progressive Party might see themselves as getting the most votes, which is correct. But the senators look at the other side of the coin. but same coin As for the operational guidelines, what will be? Every coin always has two sides.

As for the case where the senator will examine Mr. Phitha's qualifications Lim Chareonrat Candidate for the Prime Minister, the Kao Klai Party, is it appropriate? Mr. Warawut said that each person has different ideas. Like when legislation is issued, it must be passed by the senator once more. Maybe it's the point of view of the review. Like a prime ministerial candidate, if a senator has doubts about any issues and whoever is the privilege of each senator in presenting various observations and calling for examination which is seen as the right of the senator

“In the past, there were doubts about the potential of the prime ministerial candidate. This time, it was once again suspicious. It is normal for a prime minister to undergo a microscope. because everyone pays attention In the past, since the days of Banharn Silpa-archa or Mr. Chuan Leekpai, it has been under the microscope from society and the public as well, ”said the leader of the Chart Thai Pattana Party.

The reporter reported that After Mr. Warawut and the party's MPs completed their reports, they went to pay homage to the King Prajadhipok's monument. parliament museum for prosperity On the 91st anniversary of the establishment of the National Assembly, Mr. Warawut revealed that it was a good vision for the Chart Thai Pattana Party. The act of tying a pink tie shows the identity of the Chart Thai Pattana Party. The aforementioned necktie is a woven fabric with a hook pattern. to promote Thai fabrics By embroidering the symbol of the party on the necktie as well.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency