Suggesting the use of socialization mechanisms along with lowering the age for children committing crimes Solving the problem of child crime

Criminology academic and child and adolescent mental health experts Analyzing the reasons why children commit violent crimes along with suggestions to solve problems using socialization mechanisms along with increasing the penalty Lowering the age limit for child offenders The case of 5 youths attacking "Auntie Buapan", a 47-year-old mentally ill woman, causing her death before dumping her body in a pond. in Sa Kaeo Province Including a 14-year-old boy who committed a horrifying crime, shooting recklessly in the middle of Siam Paragon department store. This resulted in 2 deaths and 5 injuries. In addition to these 2 cases, there were also horrifying incidents caused by children and youth. Happens continuously This can be clearly determined from information from the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection that was found in the past year. There are statistics on criminal cases among children and youth. More than 3,000 drug-related cases, 2,999 life and body offenses, an increase of nearly 1,300 case s from 2022, 2,622 property crimes, an increase of more than 600 cases from 2022, weapons and explosives offenses. Another 1,530 cases, more than 600 cases higher than 2022. Vice President and Chairman of the Faculty of Criminology and Justice Administration Rangsit University said that there is a trend of children and youth committing serious crimes. are more frequent and severe Because he is in the age of excitement Especially if you are in a group of friends who are prone to violence. The more easily there is a chance of causing a crime. Meanwhile, parents have no time to take care of their children closely. The way to help solve this problem is for parents to take responsibility in cases where children commit serious crimes. Good role models are being created for them. and there is a socialization mechanism by family, educational institutions, and communities, which research results clearly indicate that it has a great effect on the feelings, thoughts, minds, emotions, and behavior of children and youth rather than increasing penalties Only lowering the age limit for children who commit crimes consistent with the opinion of Director of the Rajanagarindra Institute for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, who viewed that lowering the age criteria Increase the punishment for children who commit only crimes. cannot help solve the problem completely. Because each person's problems are complex. And it is caused by many factors. both basic problems Controlling emotions generated by children themselves Family care, both physical and mental That always creates pressure all the time. School experience Being placed in a group of friends with problems Environment in the community and society with drugs and violence and online world that is a stimulating factor causing imitation behavior Director of the Rajanagarindra Institute for Child and Adolescent Mental Health It also emphasizes that everyone in every sector must help each other. Take responsibility for your own role Teach children how to control their emotions. Teach parents to raise their children properly. Schools must find problem children. and hasten to provide assistance As for the community, it must be organized. Provide a good environment for children and youth to act as a shield to prevent them from becoming child criminals. Source: Thai News Agency