Sure before sharing: Is aspartame really causing cancer?

July 7, 2023 – From the case of sharing a warning that the WHO announced that Aspartame may be a carcinogen. Beware of drinking sugar-free soft drinks.

Conclusion: partially true, should not be shared ??

Center for sure before sharing, check with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dulyaporn Trachutham, Toxicology and Nutrition for Food Safety course. institute of nutrition Mahidol University stated that

From the news that has been reported abroad, WHO has not officially announced. (Expected to be announced on July 14, 2023) and if it's actually announced, it may be at level 2B, meaning "found cancer in laboratory animals. and may cause cancer in humans.”

However, carcinogenicity is not instantaneous. But in relation to the amount eaten must be a lot.

carcinogenic factors from aspartame (Even in experimental animals)

1. Eating amount: If it doesn't reach the amount prescribed by the FDA, it's not dangerous.

2. Health of each eater: People with a genetic disease called PKU must be careful when using apps spatham

However, nowadays, sugar-free drinks and foods are used as sweeteners instead of other sugars. That is not aspartame

as well, so it cannot be assumed that All products contain aspartame.

Interviewed on: July 4, 2023

Fact Checked by: Peeraphon Anutarasoth

Compiled by: Chayanit Phongsai

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Source: Thai News Agency