Surrendered! The owner of the rental house brandished a shotgun and shot a gas shop employee.

Songkhla, Hot-blooded landlord Wielding a long shotgun Raided and shot a gas shop employee, seriously injuring him before surrendering. Witnesses revealed that the couple had been arguing. before the perpetrator returned to get a gun and shoot. CCTV recording A man walked around carrying a long shotgun that was tucked into a pillowcase. Standing and arguing, pointing and pointing a gun at another man. who is an employee of a gas shop In the closed circuit, it can be seen that the two people stood arguing for a while. before the man holding the gun Will walk to the front of the store. And the picture will cut to another place, namely the said man. Walking out of the alley and ran into the store Immediately before causing the incident, one shot was fired at the opposing party. The person walked out of the store holding a gun and fled. This incident happened yesterday evening (February 21) at a cooking gas shop on Thung Ree Road, Kho Hong Municipality, Hat Yai District, Songkhla Province. After the incident, K ho Hong Police Station went to investigate and found one person who had been shot and injured, named Mr. Anon, 36 years old, an employee of a gas shop. Was shot once with a long shotgun into the right side of the chest. He was in serious condition and was taken to the hospital. As for the culprit The name was later learned: Mr. Phana, 22 years old, who was the owner of the rental house. And there is a house located behind the gas shop. After the incident, he fled with a long shotgun. From the investigation, eyewitnesses learned that before the shooting In the evening, the couple had one round of arguments at the gas shop. Then Mr. Phana returned to get a long shotgun and walked to the shop and argued again until a shooting occurred. As for the reason the couple fought, no one knows yet. Before later, around 9:00 p.m., Mr. Phana, the perpetrator, surrendered to the police. By coming with his mother and wife After surrendering himself to the police, the investigative team took Mr. Phana. Go search for the lon g shotgun used in the crime. It was found to be hidden in the cage of a large pitbull that was kept in the house. This made no one dare to go near the dog cage. But I got in touch with relatives. Please help me bring it out. Before being taken into custody to investigate the incident and prepare to file charges for further prosecution. Source: Thai News Agency