Suthin rushes to amend the law Support Thai private sector to sell weapons

Bangkok: May 27 - "Suthin" rushes to amend the law. Support Thai private sector to sell weapons Ready to initiate the army to purchase weapons and equipment in the country in 2025, accepting the 2025 budget for the army to purchase weapons because they have expired. Mr. Suthin Khlangsaeng, Minister of Defense Said after presiding over a ceremony to deliver 10 4×4 rubber-wheeled armored vehicles of Thai Defense Industry Company Limited (TDI) and 230 small arms and pistols of the Arms Industry Company. Ltd. (WMI) to the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bhutan to Thailand. for the Royal Thai Police kingdom of bhutan Used in peacekeeping missions, it is said to help the country move forward. In matters of national security and bringing in revenue from military equipment enter the country It is a demonstration of the capabilities of the Thai private sector and has gained confidence from abroad. Which today is considered only the first lot that has been shared between the institutes. National defense technology and ki ngdom of bhutan In the meantime, there may be more additions. The Defense Technology Institute is also negotiating with many other countries. Especially in ASEAN, coordination should be completed soon. This and believe that there will be many more weapons sold. Therefore it is considered a matter of pleasure. As for amending the law to encourage the private sector to produce weapons for sale. Mr. Suthin Klang said In this matter, a working group has been established since the time the new ministers became ministers. To promote and push forward the country's defense industry. The results of the study require amendments to many laws. At least it is about taxes. Because at this time, the Thai private sector is still at a disadvantage from foreign countries. This is because importing parts into production requires more taxes. Bringing in finished equipment 'Therefore, the arms control and arms export laws must be amended. This is a law that has been used for a long time. Therefore, a balance must be created. Th e working group is preparing to hold additional meetings on the matter of amending the law. To push to keep up with the council meeting in this session. Including pushing for laws related to the work of the institution. national defense technology to create flexibility In carrying out the mission and promoting the private sector to move forward with flexible work together,' Mr. Suthin said. Mr. Suthin emphasized that the defense industry is one of the government's 11 target industries. which looks similar to the past government If the defense industry is promoted to make the private sector strong There will be stability in the armed forces of Thailand. If any event occurs You don't have to worry. Importantly, it saves on paying money out of the country. and can also bring money back into the country which has a high value because the arms trade costs a high budget Therefore, it is necessary to succeed. and trust in the Thai private sector that has the ability And Thailand still has cooperation with many othe r countries from two weeks ago when the Prime Minister traveled to France. which has the Commander-in-Chief joining the team with the Thai private sector joining in making an MOU with France It is another side of promoting sales. Although not much, it is considered a driving force in every dimension. As for the case where the military purchases very few weapons within the country, it is seen that this matter needs to be started, and a working group of the Ministry of Defense has proposed this. that at least which weapons can be produced within the country? The military should purchase domestically first on a step-by-step basis. In proportion to the need to gradually climb up the level by having officials check the resolutions of the Cabinet and the Defense Council that had previously been discussed. But it hasn't actually been implemented yet. It will be initiated in 2025 and strictly enforced. and believes that the military will not object to purchasing weapons within the country But it would be difficult t o change immediately and have to keep climbing the levels. As for the overall picture of weapons procurement in 2025, Mr. Suthin admitted that there will be a large amount of procurement. Because it was a coincidence, many military equipment Expired type Therefore, new purchases had to be made during this period, such as fighter jets for the Royal Thai Air Force. Which will expire in 2027, which must be prepared for purchase in advance, but must understand the necessity with the council and the public. As for any items that can be used within the country, they will be purchased within the country. .-313 Source: Thai News Agency