“Tak” confirms that he did not swipe the “Watermelon” card

"Kratik" confirmed that he had not swiped the debit card of "Watermelon" and suggested that his mother investigate the origin before making a complaint. because it could be sued

From the case that Mrs. Panida Sirayuthyothin, mother of watermelon, traveled to meet investigators from the Crime Suppression Division. To request help to investigate after finding out that someone has taken a watermelon debit card to use for financial transactions Watermelon falls off a boat and dies By stating that the person used as a person on the ship who is a confidant of watermelon

Most recently, today (June 17), Ms. Itsarin or Kratik revealed to the news team. after being targeted as the person whose mother was mentioned by Kratik, saying that from reading the news that her mother gave an interview It was enough to understand that my mother meant him. which after seeing the account of the watermelon that the mother brought to report Stating that money was cut from the debit card on February 24, 2022 at 11:55 p.m. At that time, everyone was still on the boat looking for watermelons. And on the ship there is no card swipe machine. He left the scene at about 3 a.m. when he got off the boat to go to the bathroom. went to ask to enter the house of the villagers There is no card swipe machine anymore. As for the money cut from the debit card 2 days later that the mother suspected, she did not know, but confirmed that she was not herself and in the past she had never used or touched a watermelon debit card, only receiving a share of money as personal manager which the watermelon will transfer to himself

In this regard, he would like to suggest that the mother investigate the origin before coming to report or give news. Because in the statement there is a transaction code that can be verified. Mom can go check and ask for information from the bank about the details of the transaction that has been used. then come and report It will be more beneficial than coming out and misleading the society. hurt others Which will cause the mother to suffer as well, now that he has only read the message Haven't watched the interview clip yet. which, if he went to inspect found that the mother had alluded defamation directly He had to come out and exercise his right to protect himself. Because in the past, he always gave in, despite having received damage from each news release from his mother. But forgive me, I don't want to have an issue. Because just the main case is already chaotic enough. But now it's been more than 1 year, my mother still hasn't finished and after all, there are only money matters. So he did not understand what his mother wanted. But it is advisable to consult a lot of lawyers. Because before, he was already sued by Sand Visapat.

Kratik added that These things my mother suspected It's something that has happened and has passed. If he really did it, the police would definitely check it out before his mother. because he was investigated a lot especially about various accounts The police did not ignore the issue of causing death for the benefit. And if you want to look at this case as a murder case Mom can't skip the line. Will come and say that I forgive my 2 sons that it was an accident But with the rest saying it was a murder, it couldn't be done. Because it's the same event

As for the 1 million baht life insurance policy, the mother was the one who took it to the police. and the police called him to pick him up in which he performed his duty Set aside money for Easter tuition. confirm that it is legal according to every process As for the mother who will apply for the 50% policy rights as a mother, please consult a lawyer to see if she can do it. When the watermelon clearly specifies the beneficiary in the policy .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency