“Tawan” postpones acknowledging charges of obstructing the royal procession to 20 February 2024.

Bangkok, "Tawan" has postponed his acknowledgment of the charges of obstructing the royal procession to February 20, citing schoolwork, while investigators prepare to discuss again whether there is sufficient reason to justify the postponement or not. The atmosphere at Din Daeng Police Station has many media agencies monitoring the developments in the case. Pol. Maj. Gen. Atthaphon Wongsiripreeda Metropolitan Police Commander 1 reveals progress In the case of honking the horn and using insulting words against officials while performing their duties to provide safety. Today, investigators at Din Daeng Police Station have summoned two accused persons, including: Ms. Thantawan Tuatulanon and Mr. Natthanon Pairoj came for questioning and acknowledged the charges regarding the incident of honking horns blocking the royal procession on February 7th. On the expressway in the Victory Monument area last morning On the lawyer side of the Human Rights Center Letters from the two accused have been submitted to the inv estigating officer requesting that the meeting with the investigating officer be postponed to February 20. Claimed to be on a study mission Therefore, he was unable to come to meet the investigator today. However, the investigator has already made a diary entry to receive the said letter. As for permission to postpone or not? In the afternoon, the investigating officer and the working group on the case will meet again to discuss the said claim. Is there sufficient reason to postpone the meeting with the investigator? As for the charge Still in the process, details cannot be revealed to the media. which must wait for the allegation notification process with the two accused to be completed first. Source: Thai News Agency