Tens of thousands of people poured in to pay homage to the Buddha’s relics in Chiang Mai on the first day.

Chiang Mai, The first day of opening for visitors to pay homage to the Buddha relics from India, which are temporarily enshrined at Hor Kham Luang, Chiang Mai Province, crowded with tens of thousands of Buddhists. Buddhists both in Chiang Mai and many northern provinces are gradually coming to pay homage to the relics of the Buddha and the Arahants of Phra Sariputra and Phra Moggallana from India, which were brought to be temporarily enshrined at Hor Kham Luang, Rajapruek Park, Chiang Mai Province. and opened for worship on the first day People from all over, mostly wearing white, lined up from early morning. Before the opening time of Royal Park Rajapruek The line was more than 500 meters long. Many people said they had been waiting since 5 a.m. Some had traveled hundreds of kilometers away. Come pay homage to the relics of the Lord Buddha for good fortune once in your life. After opening for worship Lord Buddha's relics Tens of thousands of Buddhists gradually entered the Kor Kham Luang area. with police officers Take care of peace and order within The process has been slightly modified from the original, allowing attendees to pay homage directly in front of Hor Kham Luang. without registering To reduce steps and congestion for Buddhists It is expected that people will come to pay homage to the relics of the Lord Buddha at this Hor Kham Luang. From today until March 8th, a total of hundreds of thousands of people. Source: Thai News Agency