Thai content ranks No. 1 compared to Korea

Bangkok, June 21-A survey at the Asian Video Summit 2023 found that Thai content ranked No. 1 compared to Korea. The NBTC is ready to act as an intermediary to discuss development guidelines.

At the Asian Video Summit 2023, an international conference forum about video development It is a gathering of entrepreneurs. Professionals in video industry as well as government organizations regulators in Asia and the world at the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on June 20, 2023.

Over 180 attendees from 22 countries were polled on which countries in the coming years are most likely to be successful in the content industry in the region. as well as the success of Korea The result came out that 40% of the people who voted replied that Thailand while the mainland Chinese market Followed in second place with 16% of the vote and Indonesia. In third place with 13% of the vote, other markets, Hong Kong and the Philippines, scored 7% each, while Taiwan got 6%.

Mrs. Pirongrong Ramasuta Director of Broadcasting Affairs television business And the National Telecommunications Commission said that Thai video content has a very high potential. This can be seen from the wide exposure of different markets. in Asia and around the world as well as awards received from the international stage but still lacks strategic promotion This is partly the result of the structure of the relevant government mechanisms that are multi-part and different. without coordinating with the same direction and goal

Therefore, a discussion is required. to seek a consistent approach And arrange for the most efficient allocation of supporting resources, which the NBTC is ready to act as a medium for such discussions.

“Those who are in the video industry outside the country appreciate and think that we will be like Korea. in terms of international content development But we have to invest and set a clear strategic direction To support players from our country to compete, ”said Mrs Pirongrong.

In addition, amidst the changing media landscape Technological advances and consumer behavior It is necessary to foster a media ecosystem conducive to free and fair competition. both for domestic entrepreneurs and service providers from abroad

“Light touch governance, or superficial supervision. To open up space for content creativity and innovation from industry players is essential. This may promote self-regulation for operators both domestically and internationally. jointly set the rules It is the central standard for the entrepreneurial community, and the NBTC and government organizations will support them in terms of necessary resources, ”said Mrs. Pirongrong.

Asia Video Summit 2023 is organized by the Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA) between 20-21 June 2023 at Kerry Hotel with representatives from the television industry. 180 people participated, with interesting topics such as the behind-the-scenes success of the Korean wave. The future of Chinese entertainment media Earnings for audio-visual media and the role of AI in the media industry. etc.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency