Thai listed companies prepare for cyber security

BANGKOK, Aug. 11 – Companies listed on the Thai stock market prepare for cybersecurity. Public and private sector advice Personnel development must be accelerated. Support for more serious cyber threats

The Stock Exchange of Thailand publishes SET Notes. Listed companies in the Thai stock market prepare for cyber security. Identified from studies on cybersecurity preparedness. According to the information disclosed in the annual information disclosure form and the annual report (Form 56-1 One Report) for the year 2022 of 50 listed companies in the SET50 Index, it was found that listed companies in the Thai stock market are prepared to prevent and cope with Cyber threats in the form of a Top-Down Approach, that is, planned at the policy level and distributed to lower-level operations. It has been strengthened into an organizational culture.

Listed companies follow the concept of 3 pillars of cyber security. can be summarized as follows

Pillar 1 People: Most of the listed companies studied are aware of cyber threats. and give importance to knowledge Raise awareness of cyber threats and planning to develop cybersecurity personnel

Pillar 2: Process: The study listed companies set policies. The work process has been adjusted to meet international standards regarding information security. have a risk assessment as well as having a response plan disaster recovery plan There are also drills in case of countering cyber threats.

Pillar 3 Technology : Most of listed companies invest in information technology systems. and develop the system regularly Including the introduction of modern technology such as the use of artificial intelligence systems to assist in detecting errors, etc., and randomly checking various systems Be ready to handle and be able to recover data / system.

As the world faces a shortage of cybersecurity personnel, in 2022, there is a demand for personnel in this field of more than 3.43 million people, and experts expect that the demand for personnel in this field will continue in 2023 for Thailand. There is the same problem, so the public and private sectors must accelerate the development of personnel in this field. to support more serious cyber threats.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency