Thai people in Malaysia who have lost their status flock to DNA tests to request Thai citizenship.

Kota Bharu, Malaysia, Thai people in Malaysia who have lost their status flock to get DNA tests to request Thai citizenship. The Deputy Director of Forensic Science points out that this is an accumulated problem. Revealed to be very awake To receive basic rights of Thai people with a digital wallet Mr. Phasit Jutthaputthi, Consul General in Kota Bharu, Mr. Kuheng Yawahasan, Secretary to the Minister of Justice, Asst. Prof. Dr. Worawee Waiyawut, Deputy Director of the Institute of Forensic Science. Ministry of Justice and Dr. Sommai Bunkliang, Assistant Secretary-General The Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) joins in carrying out a genetic material (DNA) testing project to help Thai people in Malaysia whose status is missing from the civil registration. at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kota Bharu federation of malaysia Mr. Pasit said that this project has been in operation for 7 years, since 2017, to solve the problem of Thai people without nationality. There are no identity docu ments in Malaysia. which is caused by having Thai people Traveling to work in agriculture, such as rubber cutting, when having a child, not reporting the birth Therefore there is no civil registration. and there are no documents to verify identity, creating a problem for Thai people who do not have a civil registration system that has been accumulated for many generations Therefore, it must be scientifically proven. Passed the DNA test. In 2023, 97 people registered to join the project, 89 people confirmed their nationality and obtained ID cards, and this year the number of project participants has increased significantly, exceeding 235 people. Mr. Phasit said that the project It is in accordance with the main mission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Diplomacy for the people To take care of and protect the interests of Thai people abroad. Providing services to all groups of Thai people without discrimination. The fact that this group of Thai people received identity verification documents It will lead to receiving basic rights from the government, such as the right to receive medical care, education, and a passport. This is an important document that allows you to stay legally in Malaysia. Asst. Prof. Dr. Worawee said that problems of citizens and status exist all over the country, not on the fringe. Even in the Lak Si area, there are still people who do not have ID cards and do not have civil registration status, which last year there was considerable awareness. R Including the digital money that will be obtained, the DNA test will take approximately 1 month but depends on the difficulty of the problem. If you are a parent and child, you can get checked within 2 weeks. But if you are a grandchild, it may be more complicated. However, if there is a blood connection, it can all be verified. As for the difficulty in finding them, there is a hierarchy where levels, great-grandparents, and genders are different. Only 1% of those who were tested were found to be not of bloodline. As for the cost per case, Mr. W orawee, according to this project, the public will have no expenses. It is a budget matter that the government takes care of. But if it is a normal examination, the cost in the case of father-mother-child There will be a cost per 1 person of 2,500 baht, which if there is a partner, 1 person will be equal to 5,000 baht. But if it's more difficult than that, Grandpa and grandpa level Two test kits will be required. The cost will be around 10,000 baht, not expensive if compared to the status that will be obtained. which from doing past projects This allows 70 - 80% of those who undergo the examination to be issued ID cards because there is scientific evidence confirming it. Mr. Worawut Phongprapaphan Director-General of the Department of Consular Affairs said that this project answers the problems that arise. Bringing science to solve problems To help Thai people who have Thai status This year, the number of Thai people with missing status has increased and they use the service and think that if they are succes sful, There should be more Thai people requesting to use the service. But those who cannot get an ID card immediately must bring a birth certificate. Go enter your name through the house registration first. Therefore it is necessary to return to Thailand. To get your name into the house registration to get a 13-digit number so you can request an ID card. therefore unable to provide service You can get an ID card at the consulate. This regulation came out before DNA technology existed and came out during the time of nationality trading. However, in the future, adjustments may need to be made to provide more convenience to people abroad. Source: Thai News Agency