Thai workers reveal serious situation Unable to stay longer, I decided to return.

On.6 / Thai workers, 3rd round of the Air Force Bow down to the earth After reaching the motherland Revealing the serious situation Unable to stay longer, I decided to return to Thailand. Waiting for the situation to calm and ready to return to Israel.

At 12:20 p.m., Air Force A340-500 aircraft, Flight 3 RTAF229, traveled to evacuate Thai people in Israel. Arrived at Military Airport 2, Wing 6, with 139 Thai workers from Israel, divided into 136 men and 3 women, immediately after getting off the plane. Some workers bowed down to the land of Thailand. One of them was Mr. Nitat Panthasri, a native of Nong Khai Province. who went to work in the north, next to the Lebanon area, opened up that he bowed down to the land of Thailand because of suppression After living there for 3 years, I had to run and dodge bullets. And today he survived and came back. which he had to run and hide in the bathroom Hide in the room and cannot leave the room. If you go out, you might get hit by a bullet. The situation was most severe during October 16-18, when the guerrillas threw fire into the room where they lived. in order to shoot Personally, I don't know what to do, but I can't call my employer at 2:00 a.m. because 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. are the hardest times because bombs are dropped. in the place where they reside There are 6 - 7 worker camps, not many people. But I couldn't feel it myself. and asked the employer to return to rest The employer then coordinated with the Thai authorities to coordinate leaving the risk area and returning to Thailand. Personally, I will return to work in Israel after the war ends because I have talked with my employer. Because Ton has only been traveling for work for 2 years and 8 months. In addition, now there are Thai worker friends who are still in Israel and asking how they can return to Thailand. So he gave advice.

As for Mr. Charat Suansri, a native of Singburi province One of the Thai workers in Israel opened up that as soon as he arrived in Thailand he bowed down and bowed down to the land. I am glad to have returned safely. and that bowed down Because mother told me Pay respect to the land of Thailand as soon as you arrive. Therefore, he wants his mother to be at ease. He went to work in Israel for 2 years and 8 months and will not travel to Israel to work again after this.

As for Mr. Chucheep, one of the Thai workers, he said that he works in the northern region of Gaza. The unrest at the ground level has not yet arrived. But on the morning of Oct. 8, his employer took him out before going to the northern region because he was worried. And soon after evacuating, there was still fighting. He decided to return to Thailand. He wanted to return to work in Israel again. Even though the debt problem has been cleared up, I want to go back to work to save money. Ready to leave a message to the Thai people who are still here to return. And thank you to the staff of the Thai Embassy in Tel Aviv for taking good care of us. Including the Air Force who traveled to receive them at the airport.

While Mr. Teerawat Khamkongpaeng, a resident of Nakhon Phanom, told the Thai News Agency news team that the fighting situation in the area is considered severe. At first he decided not to return because he received good wages. But when the situation started to get more serious Therefore decided to travel back this time. He will return to work in Israel again after the situation is resolved. Because I want to save money. Later he borrowed money from relatives to work in Israel. Along with telling Thai workers who have not yet decided to return, please take good care of yourself.

Squadron Leader Charoen Wattanasrimongkol as head of the operation An Air Force pilot on a mission to bring Thai people back from Israel in the 3rd round revealed that according to the plan the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed that in the 3rd round There will be 140 returnees, but 1 person cannot be contacted. As for the third flight of the Royal Thai Air Force, the time was shorter: the outbound trip took 9 hours, the return trip took 8.30 hours, saving time. and save fuel Reduce fatigue among Thai workers

While the 4th round of Air Force flights will pick up at Fujairah Airport, Dubai, which will allow adding more other aircraft, such as the C-130, as well as commercial airlines, which will be able to bring Thai people back. Countries have increased in number. The C-130 has not yet been put into operation but is prepared at all times. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency