2023-09-07 00:00:00

Date: 07-Sep-23

Source: Thai News Agency

Growing sweet pea flowers, diamond honey Generate an income of 100,000 baht per year

Farmers in Puei Noi District, Khon Kaen Province, grow Phet Honey sweet Krachiow flowers to sell as extra income. Generate annual income of more than 100,000 baht, selling both fresh flowers and seedlings. Currently, there is not enough to sell.

Mr. Teeraphong Samerna, a farmer, provided information that Find information on the internet about the honey phet Krachiew flower. It is a new type of plant with a high price. So he ordered seeds to try growing. They will bloom well during the rainy season. The planting period is about 2 months. They have been growing Phet Nam Phueng sweet Krachiew flowers for 4 years in an area of 3 rai, generating a good amount of extra income. Easy to plant and care for, no weeds. Customers will be local people. Sold at a price of 1-2 baht per flower, with an average monthly income of 12,000 baht. They also sell seedlings at a price of 20 baht per plant, with an average annual income of more than 100,000 baht. Currently, there is not enough to sell.

Ms. Krittayaporn Samranpat, Pue Noi District Agriculture Officer, gave information that she encourages farmers in the area to grow alternative crops to generate income. Taking into account suitability for the area and transfer marketing knowledge So that farmers can generate income throughout the year. Currently, Pue Noi District, Khon Kaen Province has agricultural products such as rice, sugarcane, cassava, mango, with 3,700 registered farmer households and 84,000 rai of agricultural land.

However, the sweet cherry blossom tree, Diamond Honey. It is an easy plant to grow. It has a spicy and fragrant taste. The young shoots of Krachiao flowers can be used in many dishes. and has properties that help expel gas in the stomach Relieves bloating and flatulence Reduce stomach acid As a result, Krachiew flowers are in demand in the market.

Source: Thai News Agency