Thaksin suspended sentence It’s a family matter. Not related to the government

Government House, "Bhumitham" reveals "Thaksin" received a suspended sentence. It is a family matter. Not related to the government, points out that the government can express opinions, emphasizes that there will be no Cabinet adjustments. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Revealing the government's preparations after Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister received a reprieve that the government had not prepared for this matter. Because it is a matter of Mr. Thaksin's family, in accordance with the justice process. At this time, it is not clear what this will be. But I would like to send my encouragement and best wishes to your family. We were back together again. As for the return of Mr. Thaksin It will cause a ripple effect to the government. Until it led to a cabinet adjustment or not, Mr. Phumtham said that this matter was not related. Mr. Thaksin returned this time to live his life. with your family There is a constant stream of news coming out about this m atter. But we haven't heard of each other and are still working very well. If there will be any changes Someone must present it to the Prime Minister. And the Prime Minister really agrees. Even if there is an adjustment But at this time we still haven't seen the Prime Minister say anything at the party meeting. MPs from all past coalition parties Still came to congratulate the Prime Minister on his birthday. With a cheerful smile There shouldn't be any problem. As for if Mr. Thaksin receives a suspended sentence Will the government ask for advice on managing the country or not? Mr. Phumtham said that he is a person with experience. Therefore, various opinions may be offered to society. 'But don't worry about determining government policy. You can offer Any opinion is welcome. that you consider good or bad according to your experience As for whether or not to take the advice and adjust it? At this time, I haven't thought about what there must be. Don't think that the government will do this or that. Thaksin must come like this. I think by rights and with concern for your country It is already possible to offer opinions to the public. The government now has a duty to do. and have a duty to listen to every voice of every person as we have done,' Mr. Phumtham said For concerns about the movement of the masses who agree And seeing the difference in this case, Mr. Phumtham stated that the arrival of Mr. Thaksin had clearly announced that Want to spend the end of my life with my family. Because he had been gone for almost 20 years and decided to return to the justice process as every group had demanded to return. The whole matter is in court. Thailand's justice process that needs to be done It was according to the rules that had always been followed, so what came back was nothing unusual. and can fight according to the conditions that he has rights and freedom 'Coming out to move You have to ask what the issue is. And the movement is not related to the government in the sense that it is a problem of any government p rocess. Movement is also an opinion. Whether you like it or not, you can do it. And it has nothing to do with being connected to the government. or Mr Thaksin We respect different opinions. Which is nothing to worry about. I don't want you to think that there is a problem with this and that various things will happen. Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable. Let's look at the process. And please wait and see that it follows the legal process. If there is a problem of unfairness, it can be brought up.' Mr. Phumtham Said. Source: Thai News Agency