“Thammanat” confirms using bachelor’s degree to apply for MP in 2023

Government House, "Thammanat" confirms using bachelor's degree to apply for MP in 2023, does not know "Sukhumpong" is the same advisor as "Dr. Kes", says it is not his duty to discuss. Lt. Col. Thammanat Prompao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, gave an interview about the drama over the doctorate degree from California University of Dr. Kesakamon Pliansamai, the new senator, saying that he had already talked about everything. When he contacted Dr. Sukhumpong Chananuwong, Vice President of the Harsa Law Association (Thailand), who was the same thesis advisor as Dr. Kes, Lt. Col. Thammanat said that it was not his responsibility. He had already said that the teachers who owned the project were only responsible for their own students and nothing else. He did not know that they were the same advisor. As for whether the matter of Dr. Kes will affect Lt. Col. Thammanat, Lt. Col. Thammanat said that he did not see any connection at all because he used his bachelor's degree to apply for the House of Rep resentatives in 2023. 316. Source: Thai News Agency