“Thammanat” reveals Permanent Secretary of Agriculture Signed to increase the price of raw milk by 2.25 baht.

Bangkok, Minister Thammanat reveals good news. Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture As the chairman of the Milk Board, he signed an announcement to increase the median price for purchasing raw milk by 2.25 baht, resulting in the price at the processing factory. From 20.50 baht per kilogram to 22.75 baht, the price at the raw milk collection center From the original 19 baht per kilogram to 21.25 baht for milkboard , with effect now. Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, revealed that Received a report from Mr. Prayoon Insakul, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. The Dairy and Milk Products Committee (Milkboard) said the Milkboard agreed to increase the raw milk purchasing price to help dairy farmers in the urgent period. In this regard, the Milk Board held a meeting No. 1/2024 to review the request for approval to increase the price of raw milk to help dairy farmers. According to the resolution of the Dairy and Milk Products Com mittee No. 5/2023 on December 6, 2023, the meeting resolved to approve the adjustment of the median price for purchasing raw milk from the original 2.25 baht. Captain Thammanat said From the Milk Board's resolution on December 6, 2023, to increase the median price for purchasing raw milk by another 2.25 baht, the resolution was later brought to the previous cabinet meeting to ask for approval. But the Cabinet ordered the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to use guidelines to reduce milk production costs to help farmers instead. He saw that reducing production costs would The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives is already taking action. But it is a method that takes time. To urgently help dairy farmers, the average purchase price must be raised. Mr. Prayoon Insakul, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives As the chairman of the Milkboard said: Immediately signed 2 announcements to adjust the average raw milk purchasing price, which is now effective, consisting of: 1. Announcement of the Dairy and Milk Products Committee on the median price for purchasing cow milk in front of processing factories and dairy products, 2024, by adjusting the median price for purchasing cow milk in front of dairy processing factories. From 20.50 baht per kilogram to 22.75 baht per kilogram. 2. Issue an announcement from the Dairy and Milk Products Committee regarding the average price for purchasing cow milk at raw milk collection centers in 2024 by adjusting the average price for purchasing cow milk at raw milk collection centers. From 19 baht per kilogram to 21.25 baht per kilogram. In addition, the Milkboard was informed of the progress of the results of the farmer assistance project of the Subcommittee to Drive the Strategy for the Development of Dairy Cattle and Milk Products. Consider helping to reduce product costs for dairy farmers, including: The Livestock Department has invited relevant agencies, including the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives. Cooperative Auditing Department Department of Cooperative Promotion Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand Animal Feed Development Office and the Livestock Promotion and Development Division Attended a meeting to discuss (draft) a project to reduce costs and improve raw milk production efficiency. Detailed guidelines on loan sources and qualifications for farmer groups In order to make the project more complete in the detailed outline. Including the matter that the meeting of the Subcommittee to Drive the Strategy for Development of Dairy Cattle and Milk Products No. 1/2024 resolved to approve the principle (draft) of the project to assist dairy farmers. Under the crisis of expensive animal feed and assigned the Department of Livestock Development as the secretary of the subcommittee. Consider adjusting the details (draft) of the project to make it complete. Before submitting to the Dairy and Milk Products Committee for further consideration and approval. Source: Thai News Agency