The “Blainville Whale” washed ashore on Sakom Beach and died.

Songkhla, Blaineville's whale, which washed aground at Sakom Beach, Thepha District, Songkhla Province, has died, even though the RTA veterinary team did their best to save it. can After taking care of it closely This Blainville whale is the second one found in Thailand.

Veterinarian Rattanakorn Phakpian, veterinarian of the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, said yesterday evening the whale was transported from the water channel at Sakom Beach, Thepha District, to be treated at a large pond. Items from the Aquatic Animal Technology and Innovation Research and Development Center (NICA), Mueang District, Songkhla Province, due to the area and water conditions in the formerly maintained area being inappropriate.

The whale was thin and not eating. Veterinary team and staff from the Rare Marine Animals Group Tried to save life to the best of my ability. So he died today. The veterinarian will perform an autopsy on the remains.

On December 2, 2023, officials from the Khao Pa Chang - Laem Kham Non-Hunting Area were informed. Found stranded Villagers and officials of the Khao Pa Chang Non-hunting Area pushed it out to sea three times, but waves washed it aground again nearby. Veterinarians and officials from the Rare Marine Animals Group, SWAT, went to inspect and found... “Blainville's beaked Whale” which is a rare marine animal, skinny, about 4 meters long, so it was given a sedative to move it to the side channel. in

Later, he was given medicine to reduce inflammation, antibiotics, and saline. Along with collecting blood samples to send for testing. The whale is stable and has been fed liquid food and closely monitored.

SWAT is of the view that the area and water conditions are not suitable for maintenance. The coordination officer asked for manpower assistance from the Khao Pa Chang - Laem Kham Non-Hunting Zone, Rescue, Sakom Subdistrict Administrative Organization, and Chana District.

In addition, we received support from the Aquatic Animal Technology and Innovation Research and Development Center (NICA), Mueang District, Songkhla Province, to use the large pond area to care for Blaineville whales. The veterinary team gave the patient a sedative before transporting them in a six-wheel truck. To reduce stress in animals It took about 1 hour to move and arrive at the new area. but later died

Information from the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources indicates that Blaineville's whales have only been found in Thailand once. which stranded at Ban Ao Nam Bo, Mueang District, Phuket Province in November 2011 until this discovery, which was the second time. This type of whale is in the family Ziphiidae. If fully grown, it can be long. Up to 4.7 meters long, weighing about 1 ton. Females are slightly larger than males. Newborns are 2.0-2.5 meters long. The body is long, fusiform. The head is small. There is a pair of shallow grooves under the chin. The adult has a long beak. The lower jaw curves up like an arch in all ages. In adult males, they are large. brown body or blue-gray The abdomen is pale in color. Around the eyes are dark black circles. Adults have white oval or circular markings all over. There are a couple of scratches. which is usually male

Males have fangs growing on the lower jaw at the highest point of the arch. and the tips of the fangs extend above the upper jaw. The breathing hole is crescent-shaped with the tip pointing forward. in the middle of the head The dorsal fin is small, located 2/3 of the body length. They usually live alone or in pairs, but may form flocks of 3-7 individuals, similar to a harem. There is only one male and several females.

The main food is squid. But they also eat deep-sea fish as food. By sucking nearby food into the mouth (Suction feeder). The spread is quite wide. In the tropics and temperate zones Found far off shore in an area with water depths of approximately 200-1,000 meters.

Source: Thai News Agency