The Cabinet acknowledged the criteria for paying bribes and rewards to government officials.

Government House, Deputy Government Spokesperson reveals that the Cabinet has resolved to acknowledge the recommendations on the criteria and conditions for paying bribes and rewards to government officials. Ms. Kanika Ounjit, deputy government spokeswoman, revealed that the Cabinet meeting resolved to acknowledge the recommendations on the criteria and conditions for paying bribes and rewards to officials in accordance with the Customs Department regulations on paying bribes and rewards under Section 32 of the 2018 Organic Act on Prevention and Suppression of Corruption, as proposed by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). Ms. Kanika said that the recommendations for the criteria and conditions for paying bribes and rewards to officials according to the Customs Department regulations on the payment of bribes and rewards of the Customs Department, such as: 1. The Ministry of Finance should study the necessity of providing rewards to compensate for performance and the feasibility of using channel s under the current system of determining compensation for government officials to be appropriate for the nature of the work of government officials instead of the reward system from fines received. 2. Consider improving the bonus sharing ratio account to reflect participation and performance more than position level to prevent conflicts of interest and reduce the use of discretion by government agency heads. 3. The Customs Department shall systematically establish a 'central database' on the payment of bribes and rewards in electronic form, and shall compile information linking the origin of the list of wrongdoings and the list of assets leading to the payment of bribes and rewards, which shall be in accordance with Section 32 of the Organic Act on the Prevention and Suppression of Corruption B.E. 2561, which stipulates that the NACC has the duty and authority to propose measures, opinions, and suggestions to the Cabinet. When the Cabinet has been informed of the measures, opinions, and suggestions of the NACC, if it is not possible to proceed, it shall notify the NACC of the problems and obstacles, but not later than 90 days from the date of notification from the NACC (deadline September 29, 2024). In this regard, the Ministry of Finance and the Customs Department have been assigned as the main agencies to consider this matter together with the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, the Anti-Money Laundering Office, the Royal Thai Police, the National Anti-Corruption Commission, and relevant agencies to reach a conclusion. The Ministry of Finance has to summarize the results of the consideration of the overall operation and send them to the Office of the Secretariat of the Cabinet within 30 days from the date of notification from the Office of the Secretariat of the Cabinet for further presentation to the Cabinet. Source: Thai News Agency