The Cabinet approves 7 measures to solve the problem of the “black-chinned tilapia”.

Government House, "Athakorn", Deputy Minister of Agriculture, reveals 7 measures to solve the "Black-chinned Tilapia" problem, expedite elimination, restore the ecosystem, and monitor to prevent further spread. Mr. Atthakorn Sirilatthayakorn, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, revealed that the Cabinet meeting approved 7 measures to solve the problem of the spread of the black-chinned tilapia, proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, including: 1. Eliminate as many as possible from the ecosystem. 2. Use natural remedies by using predatory fish . 3. Use the caught fish for other benefits. The goal is to catch no less than 4,000 tons or 4 million kilograms from now until the middle of next year. 4. Monitor to prevent the spread of the disease. 5. Make people understand, especially in the 17 provinces where the disease is spreading. 6. Use innovation to help make the fish sterile and use technology to lure them to the same area for easy catching. 7. Study the water sources where the aquatic animals are found. Use this information for the Fisheries Department to restore the ecosystem. As for the academics who proposed using cyanide to eliminate the black chinned tilapia, Mr. Atthakorn said that it was a proposal from academics who are not affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, and the ministry did not close the opportunity to express their opinions. However, in using strong medicine, it must be carefully considered how the ecosystem will be affected by various measures. Therefore, the main measure is to work with fishermen, who are considered the number one hunters. As for other measures, they will gradually consider them according to the situation. Source: Thai News Agency