The Cabinet has approved amendments to the law to increase measures to prevent and suppress corruption.

Government House,, The Cabinet has approved the draft of the Organic Act on Prevention and Suppression of Corruption (No. ...) B.E. ... Ms. Kanika Ounjit, Deputy Government Spokesperson, revealed that the Cabinet meeting resolved to approve the draft Organic Act on the Prevention and Suppression of Corruption (No. ...) B.E. ... that the Office of the Council of State has already reviewed and resolved to acknowledge the plan for drafting secondary laws, the timeframe, and the essential content of the secondary laws issued under the draft Organic Act, as proposed by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). The deputy spokesperson said that the NACC proposed that it had considered the draft organic law that the NESDB had examined and confirmed that it would proceed with the draft organic law. The draft organic law is an amendment to the 2018 Organic Law on Prevention and Suppression of Corruption by stipulating additional principles for establishing effective measures and mechanisms to strictly prevent and eliminate corruption and misconduct, including mechanisms to encourage people to gather to participate in campaigns, provide knowledge, oppose, or provide clues, while receiving protection from the state as prescribed by law. It also stipulates mechanisms to provide protection and assistance to those who provide statements, provide information or clues, or express opinions to the NACC or officials regarding wrongdoings that fall under the duties and authority of the NACC, in cases where people are complained about, accused, sued, or subject to disciplinary action for providing such statements. This draft law has been implemented in accordance with the drafting and proposing of a law according to Section 77 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. There was a public hearing before submission to the Cabinet. During the NESDB's review phase, there was an opening for additional public hearings on the NESDB's website, including a letter to request public hearings from relevant agencies. In addition, a report on the analysis of potential impacts of the law was prepared in accordance with the Cabinet's resolution (November 19, 2019) on the implementation to support and drive compliance with the Act on Criteria for Drafting Laws and Evaluation of Law Effectiveness B.E. 2562. The results of the public hearings and the analysis of potential impacts of the law have been published on the website for the public to be aware of. The NACC has proposed a plan to draft secondary legislation, timeframe, and the essential content of the secondary legislation that must be issued under the draft organic law on this matter, totaling 1 copy, which is a draft sub-regulation that must be issued under Section 132/2 on criteria, methods, and conditions for providing assistance, requesting assistance, and canceling assistance. The main points of the draft organic law are to amend the 2018 Organic Act on Prevention and Suppression of Corruption by stipulating additional principles for establishing effective measures and mechanis ms to strictly prevent and eliminate corruption and misconduct, including mechanisms to encourage people to gather to participate in campaigns, provide knowledge, oppose, or provide clues, while receiving protection from the state as prescribed by law, as well as establishing mechanisms to provide protection and assistance to those who provide statements, provide information or clues, or express opinions to the NACC or officials regarding wrongdoings that fall under the duties and powers of the NACC, in cases where such persons are complained about, accused, sued, or subject to disciplinary action as a result of such actions. Source: Thai News Agency