The Central Bank supports Takraw, 1 Sports 1 State Enterprise Project.

Bangkok, SME Bank supports Takraw project 1 Sport 1 State Enterprise. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance presided over the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding on cooperation in supporting sports associations between the Sports Association of Thailand with state enterprise agencies Under the 1 Sports 1 State Enterprise project, there are 87 sports associations participating in the signatures. The total budget supported by state enterprises for a period of 4 years is 1,640 million baht. Dr. Nalikotipak Sangsnit, Managing Director of Thanarak Asset Development Co., Ltd. (DAD Asset Development) and Mr. Thana Chaiprasit, President of the Takraw Sports Association of Thailand. have jointly signed the DAD agreement to support the Takraw Sports Association of Thailand continuously for 4 years to support organizing competitions within the country Participating in foreign competitions Procurement of sports tools and equipment Development of branch sports centers Including coo peration between sports organizations in Thailand. Source: Thai News Agency