The council prepares an area to receive the oranges on the day of the prime minister’s vote.

Parliament July 10 - "Wan Nor" confirms readiness to choose the prime minister July 13. Appointment for whipping all sides to talk and practice to prevent members from lingering debates. Som observes the meeting. Aiming to announce a public assembly Let members relieve their concerns about safety.

Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Speaker of the House of Representatives As Speaker of the National Assembly, he spoke about the preparations for the Joint Parliamentary Meeting to elect the Prime Minister on July 13. Must adhere to the rules of the National Assembly and the constitution. and to make the meeting more concise Tomorrow (July 11) at 11:00 am, the Senate Affairs Committee (Wiphawut) and representatives from political parties of the House of Representatives have been invited to a meeting together to create understanding. To make the meeting more concise, however, during the meeting members can discuss according to the regulations. Whip has to find a way to keep the debate from getting too long.

As for whether the person nominated as Prime Minister will be able to express his vision or not, the President of the National Assembly said that this matter was not specified in the regulations, as when choosing the Speaker of the House of Representatives, it was clearly stated that the vision must be presented. But if a member proposes a motion, it must be up to the meeting.

For the case where the Progressive Party stated that it had enough support from the senators. Wan Muhamad Noor said he could not comment because the president had to remain neutral. It's about MPs and senators.

The Speaker of the National Assembly spoke about security measures on the day of the Prime Minister's election. which may have the masses come to observe that they have already spoken to the responsible officials of both the House of Representatives and police officers In order to plan with the most discretion, the council is willing to open some areas around Bangkok's exercise grounds on Thahan Road. It can hold more than 5,000 people or maybe up to 10,000 people, which Bangkok is willing to use. and will also facilitate the bathroom and spread a tent Since this is the rainy season As for other areas, the staff will manage to ensure the safety of this area.

“may be used to announce a public assembly without feeling that between the people and the council otherwise But we'll give the parliament a meeting. because it was an important meeting and must not cause concern to the attendees to members of parliament, both MPs and senators, regarding traveling in and out and the safety atmosphere I am the Speaker of the National Assembly. I have to create an atmosphere here so that the members will not be worried. to consider the matters at the meeting that day and to vote freely and fully Therefore, it is necessary to facilitate members But with the people who came, they had to ask for cooperation that on that day was an important meeting. And this parliament is an important place of the country. But taking care of convenience for people who want to come to the truth, if not, they can follow through other media channels anyway, ”said Wan Muhammad Noor.

The President of the National Assembly mentioned the division of work among the two Deputy Speakers of the House of Representatives that had to talk to both of them first. Based on the old division orders to look at and have to see which side both of them are good at. which is a matter to be discussed Because I want to feel comfortable about the division of labor. because it is working together for the benefit of the country

When asked to reiterate that in the past, the 1st Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives would look at the matter of considering the submission of a motion to the agenda. Mr. Wan Muhamad Noor said that the order of the previous Speaker of the House of Representatives And the old commands are like this. However, it must be discussed first.

Reporters reported that Mr Wan Muhammad Noor met today with both Deputy Speakers of the House and relevant officials to discuss the division of labor.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency