The Election Commission sent documents explaining to the Constitutional Court after accepting the decision on 4 sections to select senators.

Election Commission, "Sawaeng", Secretary of the Election Commission, signs and sends a document explaining to the Constitutional Court. After receiving the decision on 4 sections of the law, does the selection of senators violate the constitution or not? From the case of the Constitutional Court The resolution was passed on June 5th. Accepting decision on the issue of whether the 4 sections of the Act on the Acquisition of Senators 2018 are contrary to or inconsistent with Section 107 of the Constitution or not. The 4 sections include Section 36, which is a provision that requires applicants Introduce yourself according to the methods and conditions specified by the Election Commission. or other persons who are not the applicant To assist applicants in introducing themselves, they must follow the specified methods and conditions. Section 40, first paragraph (3), Section 41, first paragraph (3) and Section 42, first paragraph (3) relate to the district level selection method. provincial and national levels assigned to each group of applicants District level elected officials Provincial level elected officials Vote for no more than 2 people in the same group and no more than 10 people. You can vote for yourself, but if you vote for any person with more than 1 vote, is it not contrary to or inconsistent with Section 107 of the Constitution? Election Commission (EC) sends copies of relevant documents and evidence to submit to Constitutional Court within 5 days from the date of receipt of the letter for further consideration of the decision of the Constitutional Court. Recently, Mr. Sawaeng Bunmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission, said briefly that he had signed the document explaining the Constitutional Court. It is expected that the matter will be sent to the Constitutional Court within today (June 10). As for the details, the request has not yet been answered. Reporters reported that Previously, after the Constitutional Court accepted the decision on the 4 sections mentioned above, the Election Co mmission later held a committee meeting on 7 June 2014. After that, the Secretary-General of the Election Commission made a statement on the same day that The meeting passed a unanimous resolution. and move forward with the selection District Senator on 9 June with 4 reasons: 1. The court stated that it does not yet appear that there will be serious damage that is difficult to remedy later. 2. The reason for accepting the request is specified. that there is still no necessary circumstance that can be avoided according to law to the point of being unable to provide remedies at a later date. 3. Article 132 of the Constitution, when the National Assembly approves every Organic Act, sends units Related work Including the Constitutional Court examining the merits of the Act on the acquisition of Senator used for selection This time the Senate has already passed this step and 4. The Election Commission is performing its duties according to the law. Issued by Parliament which is this law for selecting senators, alon g with emphasizing that in the future If there is a necessity that can be avoided The Election Commission will continue to use its powers according to its duties. To solve this problem. Source: Thai News Agency