The Election Commission submitted a petition to dissolve “Kao Krai” to the Constitutional Court.

Election Commission, The Election Commission submitted a petition to dissolve "Move Forward" to the Constitutional Court. Waiting for the court to consider it on March 20 or not. Reporters reported that Mr. Sawaeng Bunmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission or Election Commission, in his capacity as political party registrar. which was assigned by The Election Commission will be the one to file the petition and prosecute the case on its behalf. The Election Commission has filed a petition with the Constitutional Court requesting it to consider ordering the dissolution of the Kao Klai Party and stripping the rights of the party's executive committee in accordance with Political party Act, Section 92, paragraph one (1) and (2), from the ground that there is reasonable evidence to believe that the Kao Kaeo Party has committed acts of overthrow of the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State. and commit acts that may be hostile to the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State. Just before noon last time It is submitted through the electronic E-filing system as specified by the Constitutional Court. However, the said request is a continuing process since the Constitutional Court has issued a unanimous decision. that Mr. Pitha Limcharoenrat The party leader at that time and the Kao Klai Party proposed a draft of the Criminal Code Amendment Act (No.…) B.E. to repeal Section 112 of the Criminal Code by using it as a policy for campaigning for elections. And still continues to use rights and freedoms to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State according to Section 49, paragraph one of the Constitution, which Mr. Teerayut Suwankasorn, former lawyer for Phra Buddha Isara and Mr. Ruengkrai Leekitwattana filed a petition requesting the Election Commission to take legal action against the Kao Kai Party according to the decision of the Constitutional Court. On March 12, the Election Commission unanimously resolved to send the matter to th e Constitutional Court for decision, and the office drafted the petition before all six Election Commission members signed it before submitting the petition today. March 18) From now on we have to wait and see. Will the meeting of the Constitutional Court Judiciary, which normally holds weekly meetings every Wednesday, be on Wednesday, March 20th, will the said request be considered or not? And will the court order to accept this request for decision or not? If there is an order to take further action. Source: Thai News Agency