The Forensic Science Department has now located the area where the fire broke out in the Trok Pho community.

Bangkok, The Forensic Science Department has now scoped out the fire scene in the Trok Pho community, but has not yet been able to conduct a detailed investigation. Meanwhile, police have blocked off the area to prevent any danger or destruction of evidence. Pol. Lt. Gen. Trirong Phiwpaen, Commander of the Police Education Bureau, led a team of forensic officers to inspect the scene of the fire in the Trok Pho community on Yaowarat Road in Samphanthawong District, which was almost completely destroyed by fire, to collect evidence and investigate the true cause of the fire. Pol. Lt. Gen. Trairong revealed that from the initial investigation, it was found that the scene of the incident contained houses built close together, both wooden structures and wood-cement mixed structures. As for the origin of the fire, the area has now been scoped out from a tourist witness who recorded a clip during the incident. The local police are currently following up to see if they have returned to their country yet. Meanwhile , officers have gone to observe the same spot where the clip was recorded and collected evidence in the area with the most damage from the fire. Therefore, it is believed that this area is likely the origin of the fire, as many parts of the structure are not strong and there are a lot of debris piled up. However, they are still unable to go in and thoroughly inspect the area because the fire is still smoldering. In this regard, forensic officers, including the crime scene inspection team and the physical-chemical inspection team, have collected some evidence, but the area believed to be the origin of the fire must be re-examined in detail to determine the cause. As for the suspicion that there are reports that it may have come from a shop that was extended to be a dessert shop, it cannot be confirmed yet because the area that was scoped as the origin of the fire has 3-4 houses built next to each other. Therefore, we still have to wait for a detailed inspection again after the local authorities come to disma ntle the wreckage, which will come to collect evidence at the same time. While local police and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration continue to strictly control the entrance to the Trok Pho community, blocking off the area to prevent anyone from entering the crime scene for safety and to prevent the destruction of evidence. This community is home to both Thais and migrant workers. During the inspection, several locals were concerned about their property and tried to ask to enter the area, but were not granted permission. One of them was Mr. Noppadol, 42, who had just returned from Chonburi. He tried to ask to see his house and said that he was born and raised in this community for over 40 years and had never had a fire this severe before. All of his belongings and property that he had saved up his entire life were kept here, so he wanted to go and see what property was left. Source: Thai News Agency