The government confirms moving forward ‘Digital Wallet’

The government confirms that it is moving forward. digital wallet Set up a sub-committee to listen to opinions and study all aspects to find the answer to the "economic crisis" Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Finance Minister, confirmed that the government is still moving forward with the measure to top up 10,000 baht via Digital Wallet, but must wait to study various frameworks. When various agencies made various observations during this time, the government issued measures to stimulate the economy in various dimensions, such as measures to create competitiveness for Thai entrepreneurs. Measures to attract investment capital as well as reducing energy prices All of which are mechanisms for driving the economy. Without waiting to do just one Digital Wallet measure. For the committee meeting of the 10,000 baht top-up project via Digital Wallet yesterday (Feb. 15), there were actions in 3 important parts: Setting up a committee to follow up on misuse of funds. A framework must be put in place to prevent th e misuse of funds. Setting up a working group to collect information on the current economic situation. (Fact-Finding), which has the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and the Permanent Secretary of Commerce is responsible To answer questions from the agency about whether the Thai economy is currently in crisis or not. Because the economic data used as a reference in the opinion report from the National Anti-Corruption Office (NACC) is from the end of 2023, this part will take 30 days to be processed. Assigned the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (DE) to look at connecting the system with the overall picture. the whole commercial banking system and how it can be operated and comprehensive utilization of these technologies Including using various technology systems to prevent corruption. As for the case where the NACC noted and expressed concern about the appropriateness of using the "Blockchain" system and recommended that it be done through the "Paotang" application, the government has previously confirmed it. that the Digital Wallet will be operated through "Paotang" and at yesterday's meeting there was a complete and diverse discussion. including the Bank of Thailand (BoT), Bureau of the Budget, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDB) or NESDB, Ministry of Commerce. Ministry of Finance, DE, Police, and Cyber ??Police. As for the BoT, it was commented at the meeting that Setting up a working group to collect economic data It's very good. You will know what the current economic situation is. Mr. Kittirat Na Ranong, Advisor to the Prime Minister, said that from the digital wallet board It was resolved to set up a subcommittee to study and set a time frame for consideration of 30 days, which is considered a normal work process. in order to be careful and correct and complete in every aspect which is not starting over Due to observations from many agencies Therefore, to consider carefully, various opinions must be taken into account as well. -511- Thai News Agen cy Source: Thai News Agency