The government continues to promote investment. increase foreign confidence

Bangkok, July 16-The government continues to promote investment. and continuously increase the confidence of foreign investors Chinese electric car makers are expected to invest more than $1.44 billion in Thailand.

Ms. Ratchada Thanadirek, Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office, revealed that the government has continued to promote investment. and build confidence among foreign investors The Eastern Economic Corridor Policy Office (EEC) or EEC organized activities and met investors. both at home and abroad continuously especially with important target industries Confident that it will be an opportunity to increase the number of trade and investment in Thailand

Deputy Spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office revealed that the EEC is in discussion with important investment agencies. Including meeting with senior executives from France in important target industries such as the aerospace industry energy industry group food industry Modern automotive industry, such as the electric vehicle (EV) group, where all companies have shown interest in investing in the EEC area of Thailand. The EEC has presented information and investment opportunities. along with showing strengths in the EEC area, such as the development of core infrastructure That supports seamless transportation by land, ship, air, which will be a gateway to connect travel and transport around the world. It also creates a business linkage system (ecosystem) and prepares to develop quality personnel skills. to motivate and build confidence in investment

Deputy Spokesperson for the Office of the Prime Minister further stated that In the group of electric vehicles (EV), Chinese electric car manufacturers are very interested in investing in Thailand. It is expected to have an investment value of over $1.44 billion. This investment is regarded as a result of investment promotion by the Thai government. Which has issued various measures and benefits according to the 30/30 policy, that in the year 2030 electric cars will be produced for 30 percent of the domestic car production The arrival of Chinese electric car manufacturers has increased the popularity of electric cars in Thailand. which is the second largest automobile market in ASEAN by industry data In the first half of 2023, there are more than 31 electric cars, 000 cars registered in Thailand, more than three times the total number in 2022, the BOI has recently stated that China's third-largest electric vehicle company, GAC AION New Energy Automobile, has accepted a major investment in Thailand. The investment in the first phase will be more than 6,000 million baht. It has also chosen Thailand as a base and set up an EV battery factory in Thailand, which is considered the first in the ASEAN region. The investment value is more than 1,000 million baht due to the advantages and the important role of Thailand. As a regional center for the production and export of motor vehicles which will facilitate the company able to expand business And use Thailand as a base for manufacturing and exporting batteries to Indonesia. Vietnam in the future 000 million baht. In addition, Svolt Energy Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a Chinese electric car battery manufacturer It has also chosen Thailand as a base and set up an EV battery factory in Thailand, which is considered the first in the ASEAN region. The investment value is more than 1,000 million baht due to the advantages and the important role of Thailand. As a regional center for the production and export of motor vehicles which will facilitate the company able to expand business And use Thailand as a base for manufacturing and exporting batteries to Indonesia. Vietnam in the future 000 million baht. In addition, Svolt Energy Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd., a Chinese electric car battery manufacturer It has also chosen Thailand as a base and set up an EV battery factory in Thailand, which is considered the first in the ASEAN region. The investment value is more than 1,000 million baht due to the advantages and the important role of Thailand. As a regional center for the production and export of motor vehicles which will facilitate the company able to expand business And use Thailand as a base for manufacturing and exporting batteries to Indonesia. Vietnam in the future

“The government continues to promote investment. both in traditional industries Targeted industries in the EEC area and important economic areas Especially in the EV sector, Thailand has the potential and readiness to be an EV production center as well as being an investment center in targeted industries in the region. The BOI has measures to promote investment. and benefits that are ready for investors from all over the world to fully utilize their benefits, ”said Ms. Ratchada.-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency