The government emphasizes that it is still listening to all opinions.

Government House, "Bhoomtham" reiterates that he is ready to listen to all opinions on digital wallets. After NIDA Poll revealed the results of the NIDA survey, it was found that people will not be angry if the government overturns the project. No need to wait for the NACC's opinion. The reason is only a warning. It is not a must. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Mentioning the case of Nida Poll revealing the results of an opinion survey on Economic crisis and the distribution of digital money More than 60 percent of the people said that they are not angry if the government does not distribute money for the project, saying that at this time there are many different opinions. The government is willing to listen. Poll results are another opinion. This time is the most important thing. The government will listen to opinions from all sides. I want you to look at the intent of the project. which the government presented while campaigning to the people It is an important me thod that the government will use to stimulate the economy. 'The key is this policy that the government has announced to the parliament. This is considered a binding contract communicated to the representatives of the people. And it is something that needs to be done. Government agencies are responsible for responding to government policies. and what is important to the leaders of the agency There are duties that must be performed. If you don't take action It is a duty to go back and review various policies, whether they were implemented or not and how. This depends on the will of the council. who are considered representatives of the people,' Mr. Phumtham said As for the trend, it will return to being a loan decree. Due to the reason of urgent need and whether the economy is in crisis or not, Mr. Phumtham said that if listening to various information, both sides of the information must be taken into consideration thoroughly. to find the best way But at this time it cannot be concluded that it will be used. Act or Royal Decree or what? Everything is how it goes. which depends on the environment and various conditions When asked about Mr. Phumtham, he tweeted x that if the economy is not stimulated The economy will be similar to 2007, Mr. Phumtham said. There is a group of economics academics who view that From looking at the economic pulse and past numbers The present symptoms are similar to the crisis of 1997, but some academics consider that it is not a crisis at all. 'At this time, what the government does The government is trying to think further. Based on academic information and public opinion Based on the principle that if you still think about things the same way Life will be the same. In the past, whether the Bank of Thailand or related parts I think in a way that has been criticized. At this point the country stopped moving forward for more than 10 years, making life a struggle. If you think the same way, you will get the same way. If you think in a new way and try to do it carefully, you will get so mething new,' Mr. Phumtham said. As for the digital committee meeting, a meeting will be scheduled. When will the wallet? Mr. Phumtham said he will schedule a meeting as soon as possible. This is currently in progress. Which is not just coming to a group meeting and then it's over. You will have to wait for the opinion of the committee. NACC or not? It is just an opinion which can be seen as just an imagination that if this were the case there would be such a problem. This is a good comment and a reminder. It is just a warning, not a practice. Source: Thai News Agency