The government must be clear about digital currency, not vague.

Parliament "Jurin" asks for clarity on digital wallet policy. Point out that when it comes to campaign policy, it must not be vague. must be responsible If there is damage Warning: Don't criticize the critic. Thai people have the right to know.

Mr. Jurin Laksanawisit, leader of the Democrat Party as a commissioner Economic Development of the House of Representatives revealed that the meeting considered the digital wallet project by inviting three relevant agencies to provide clarification. as a representative from the Ministry of Finance Bank of Thailand and representatives of the NACC Because it is a matter that many parties ask questions about. But the right to make policy belongs to the government. But when it's done There must be responsibility if there is damage to the country and the public. For himself, he would like to ask questions to find answers on behalf of the people. Because I believe that people all over the country want to know at least two things: what to do. And where will the money come from? If you don't use the budget and don't borrow

“We want answers and Thai people all over the country want answers because today there is still no answer. Still vague and unclear We only have to follow the news that they will do this or that, but there is no confirmation from those in power. that sets policies and actually implements them, so today we hope to have a clear answer and notify the people who own the tax money because in the end they believed that they were giving away Thai people's money I didn't take any personal money to give away,” Mr. Jurin said.

Mr. Jurin said that as for concerns about whether this policy would be a big money laundering or not, Mr. Jurin said that he did not want to criticize it too quickly. because clarity has not yet occurred But it is the right of Thai people to observe and follow. Because it is the government of the entire country have the right to know Ask questions and make observations. The government must listen. The most worrying part is the lack of clarity from the beginning as to why it ended up being dark, black, and vague. Not clear until today How is this possible when it is a campaign policy?

“If it is an important campaign policy, it must be clear from the day of the campaign. But this turned out to be the beginning of the government. And being the government is counted as one. Until now, 1.1 has not been counted, meaning there is no clarity yet, but I hope that one day it will be clear. But along the way Don't blame the person who asked the question. Don't blame people for making observations. And don't blame the people. Because he has the right to know Because he used his money Take his money and give it to him. The owner of the money has the right to know. However, he will not criticize and will be fair and give the government a chance. I won't tell you to quit. It is considered the right of the government to have policies for public administration. But the government has no right to use the money of the entire country to do things that cause damage to the country. and corruption occurs Which doesn't mean that's the case. But the government has no right to do this. You have the right to just make a policy. And from now on I will perform the duty of monitoring on behalf of the people,” Mr. Jurin said.

As for creating a new application system, Mr. Jarin said, "Why not use a cash distribution system or distribute through the Paotang App? This is also a question from the public." Because I still don't know what type to use because it's still very vague. As for expanding the area beyond a distance of 4 kilometers, it is a matter of details. You should first understand how to do it. Still confirming whether it will be distributed in coins or not? If you don't get a loan, where will you get the money from? Everyone wants to know He has a right to know because in the end it is the burden of Thai people to pay off debt in the future. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency