The guide admitted to being a middleman who bought some medicine for one of the six deceased.

Bangkok, A guide revealed important information. He was the middleman who bought some drugs for 1 of the 6 deceased. A new character, Mr. Tiger, has been discovered. The police are investigating who he is and whether he is involved in this death. From the case of the discovery of the bodies of 6 Vietnamese people, 3 men and 3 women, in a luxury hotel room in the middle of Bangkok, the latest is that the investigation team of the Metropolitan Police Bureau has been able to control Mr. Phan Ngoc Vu, 35 years old, a Vietnamese national who was a guide for the group of deceased, for questioning at the Lumpini Police Station. The reporter tried to ask this guide, and he gave a short answer that he did not know what he was doing there, that he had never met this group of tourists before, but that he only knew one person in the group who died last year. However, he did not answer questions about where he had been or what he had talked about. But according to Mr. Phan Ngoc Vu, it was found that during the past 3- 5 July, Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan (deceased number 2) had this guide go buy some medicine for her for 11,000 baht, saying that it was 'snake medicine number 7'. But when Mr. Phan received the order, he went to order it from someone named 'Tiger' and had that person named Tiger coordinate with Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan to tell him where to deliver it. Then, Mr. Tiger took it to the hotel. Currently, the investigation team is checking the CCTV footage and tracking down who Mr. Tiger is. Then it was also found that on July 9, the husband of Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan, who is a Japanese businessman, contacted Mr. Phan and told him to go exchange money for Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan's younger sister, who was the 7th person who flew back to Vietnam on July 10. He told her to exchange 70 million dong for more than 90,000 Thai baht. Then, Mr. Phan took the money to give to the sister of Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan, who was found with an American man, the dead person number 4, at a hotel in the Ratchadamri area. After r eceiving the money, the next day, the sister of Ms. Thi Nguyen Phuong Lan flew back to Da Nang, Vietnam. Source: Thai News Agency