The Livestock Department explains the case of procuring mother cows in the project. “Southern Border Cowboy”

Bangkok, Department of Livestock Development explains details. 'Southern Border Cowboy Project' as appeared in the news Procurement of cows by farmer groups in Pattani Province Does not meet the specifications of the project Emphasizing that this is currently a pilot phase of operations. The cows are procured by the farmer group themselves as it is a loan from the Farmers Aid Fund. Speed ??up the establishment of a committee to investigate the reasons why animal breeds do not meet the specified characteristics. If it is caused by an official's defect will be taken decisively Veterinarian Prapas Pinyocheep, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development, said: The Livestock Department will set up a committee to investigate the facts in cases where news appears that Procurement of mother cows in the project 'Southern Border Cowboys' do not correspond to those specified in the specific characteristics of beef cows in the project. with a haggard appearance To know that What obstacles are enc ountered in procuring animal breeds for the project? Or are there any flaws? According to the orders of Captain Thammanat Phromphao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, that agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives inspect, monitor and evaluate every project implemented in order to expedite solving problems for farmers in a timely manner. In addition, in order for farmers to receive maximum benefit according to the project objectives. The 'Southern Border Cowboys' project is being carried out by the Department of Livestock Development in collaboration with the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) and the Ministry of Interior. Under the Livestock City Project under the Economic Corridor Framework Halal Southern Border Provinces To generate income and quality of life for the people of the southern border provinces. By borrowing money from the Farmers Aid Fund, the budget limit is 1,566.20 million baht. The operation is divided into 3 phases, currently in the pilot ph ase, 60 groups of farmers, 3,000 native cows, loans of 93 million baht and shortfall payments of 1.20 million baht. Important activities in the project Community enterprise groups in the village will receive loans from the Farmers Aid Fund to procure production factors at the upstream level, 1.55 million baht per group, to carry out 4 activities as follows. 1. Create animal feed plots. Each group is not less than 20 rai. Loan amount 100,000 baht. 2. Construction of 1 beef cattle raising house (central pen), loan amount 350,000 baht. 3. Procure 50 native cows, not more than 17,000 baht each, loan 850,000 baht. 4. Hiring farm staff, not more than 3 people, loan amount 250,000 baht. In the case of some farmer groups in Pattani Province, they complained that 'The native cows handed over to the group look thin. The weight does not match that specified in the specifications of the beef cows in the project.' The Livestock Department would like to clarify that Procurement of animal breeds in projects that use m oney outside the budget, that is It is a farmer's loan from the Farmers Aid Fund. It has been carried out according to important principles: Having groups of farmers procure their own animal breeds according to specific characteristics specified by the Department of Livestock Development. The breed, age, body weight, animal health, vaccinations are determined. and examination of important diseases With warranty conditions, if it is not as specified, the seller must replace the animal with a new one for the farmer. As for farmers' complaints as shown in the news The Livestock Department has had officials in the area investigate the initial cause. It was found that the period during which the cows were gradually delivered and inspected from November 2023 to January 2024 was the period in which the border provinces The South experiences continuous rain and flooding, which inevitably affects the health of some of the project's animals. The mother cow is stressed. Not getting enough food and some are sick The Li vestock Department provided urgent assistance. By rushing to restore the health of the affected beef cows according to academic principles, providing vitamins and nutritional supplements to the native cows to bring them to full health quickly. In the case that a group of farmers wishes to request a replacement animal according to the conditions and requirements of the project. The Livestock Department has notified the business owner or seller to replace the animal, which has already solved the problem in Pattani Province. For pilot farmer groups in other provinces, they will be examined. If you encounter the same problem Will continue to urgently help restore animal health. Deputy Director-General of the Department of Livestock Development said The Livestock Department will set up a committee to investigate the matter. In collaboration with the Subdistrict Administrative Organization. and the Ministry of Interior to know for sure Are there any other obstacles? If the case occurs It comes from the shortcoming s of the officials. will be taken decisively In addition, we will cooperate with various agencies. Establish a committee to periodically monitor and evaluate the project. To provide maximum benefit to farmers according to the project objectives. Source: Thai News Agency