The Ministry of Education instructs the OBEC to expedite care for schools affected by the chemical storage tank fire.

Bangkok: The Minister of Education is concerned about the fire in a chemical storage tank and orders the OBEC to expeditely take care of affected schools. Ready to reiterate the review of the incident response plan. Acting Second Lieutenant Thanu Wongchinda, secretary-general of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC secretary-general), revealed that from the case of a fire in a pyrolysis gas storage tank of a company which Located at the Map Ta Phut Industrial Port, Rayong Province, the incident occurred at 10:45 a.m. on May 9th. Recently, officials were able to extinguish the fire. and is under surveillance It has been announced that the communities of Nong Fap, Takuan, Ao Pradu are disaster affected areas. in order to facilitate the suspension of operations Provide full assistance to the people Ready to closely monitor the situation. Acting Second Lieutenant Thanu said that from the incident that occurred Pol. Gen. Phoempoon Chidchob, Minister of Education (Minister of Education) and Mr. Surasak Panjaroenw orakul The Deputy Minister of Education (Deputy Minister of Education) has been informed of the incident and is concerned about the students. Teachers and educational personnel in educational institutions surrounding the said industrial estate that may be affected by chemically contaminated air As this is the preparation week for the opening of the first semester of the 2024 academic year, OBEC has been instructed to closely monitor the situation. Along with surveying various damages that have occurred in order to support assistance to educational institutions. students and teachers in a timely manner and continuously report progress until the incident is resolved and is safe The OBEC Secretary-General further said that in terms of educational institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) located in the area surrounding the Map Ta Phut industry. He received a report from the Rayong Primary Educational Service Area Office, District 1, that there were 4 affected schools, namely Ban Map Ta Phut School. Wat Takuan School Ban Nong Fab School and Wat Map Chalood School, OBEC has instructed the area to notify the directors of all schools in the area to prepare and be vigilant. Ready to make corrections according to the current situation and report continuously. Until the incident is finished and it is safe. and urged teachers to assess the situation closely Teachers living in the vicinity of the Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate were asked to evacuate to a safe place first. and allowing the school to coordinate with the community Be vigilant and follow the situation. Meanwhile, affected schools will carry out their response plans. and prepare for evacuation If coordinated by the agency in charge of the area, OBEC is ready to provide care to all students, teachers, and parents affected by the said incident. 'At the same time, we have instructed the Rayong Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 to monitor the current situation to ensure that teachers, students and parents Has the area been further affected? along with providing morale and encouragement to the teachers and students of the affected schools. As for further action, OBEC sees that during the past month There are frequent factory fires and chemical leaks. Therefore, we would like to emphasize that all educational institutions must review their incident response plans. and give to students Teachers and educational personnel Seriously practiced emergency response plans. Especially educational institutions that are near industrial plants. Various chemical storage sites. If any incidents occur, please notify OBEC immediately in order to provide urgent support,' said the OBEC Secretary-General Source: Thai News Agency