The National Anti-Corruption Commission submitted a request to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) to appoint a committee to investigate Thaksin’s stay at the police hospital.

NACC, The National Anti-Corruption Commission submitted a request to the NACC to set up a committee to investigate 157 government officials who committed crimes, had "Thaksin" lie in a police hospital, and submitted an additional request to investigate "Sahakarn" the Director-General of Corrections. current person Secretary-General NACC insists they are not complacent. Prepare to invite agencies and those involved came to give statements Reporters reported that at the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission The People's Reform Students Network of Thailand (PDRC), led by Mr. Phichit Chaiyamongkol, Mr. Nasser Yeema, leader of the PDRC, submitted a letter to Mr. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, Secretary-General of the NACC, requesting Discuss and follow up on the progress of the complaint on September 27, 2023 from the case where the NACC was asked to set up a working group to investigate the government officials involved. both former Director-General of the Department of Corrections Deputy Director-General of the Department of Corrections as spokesperson for the Department of Corrections Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice including the chief doctor of the police hospital and a doctor at a correctional hospital What is the reason for wrongfully neglecting to perform duties according to Section 157 in the case of the treatment of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister? At the police hospital, what progress has been made by the NACC? or a preliminary inquiry committee has been set up Or how to determine the issue of inquiry? along with requesting that the legal proceedings be expedited urgently At the same time, we are submitting additional information today requesting consideration of an investigation and prosecution of Mr. Sahakarn Petchanarin, the current Director-General of the Department of Corrections. that it is in the scope of performing duties incorrectly or neglecting to perform duties Because they did not rush to bring the inmates back to prison. or work together to perform wrongful duties By extending the time for treatment outside prison of the convicted prisoner, Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, even though it is only to monitor his condition. There was no reason or regulation to continue treatment outside the prison, with Mr. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, secretary-general of the committee. NACC comes to receive the book After more than 20 minutes of discussion, Mr. Niwatchai Kasemmongkol, Secretary-General of the NACC, gave an interview on the progress. that since receiving the matter There are many agencies that have come to complain as well. The NACC is not complacent. and follow the process step by step It is currently in the process of inspection. and is under investigation. NACC has sent letters to many agencies such as the Department of Corrections, prisons and police hospitals. It is already completed. and relevant people will be invited to give statements to support action on this matter. And some agencies have already sent back letters explaining the facts. The processing time frame is usually 180 days. It doesn't depend on the time frame. It's just an expedited framework for officials. Because in this matter the facts must be examined first. What are the criteria for consideration and rules after which agencies will be invited? and those involved came to give statements If a conclusion is reached, will there be a finding of guilt or not? Will report to the media later. Mr. Phichit said that today's discussion discussed 2 matters that had been submitted. The first matter was clarified that it was in the process of writing a letter to the relevant agencies. As for the second matter, which is a complaint against the current Director-General of the Department of Corrections. On the issue of Mr. Thaksin's treatment for 120 days and the extension of his treatment period. citing the reason for surveillance Surveillance is not in the regulations for treatment outside of prison. Therefore, doing it in such a way The Director-General of the Department of Corrections must be responsible. While Mr. Nasser Referring to the campaign to collect 20,000 people's names to submit to the President of the National Assembly for review before submitting the matter to the President of the Supreme Court. To set up a committee to inquire into the work of the NACC is currently still in progress. And the mission to go to the provincial areas remains the same. As for gathering votes of 1 in 5 of the members of the House of Representatives, or 150 people, to propose to the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Speaker submits the matter to the President of the Supreme Court. In order to set up a working group to investigate the NACC, Mr. Nasser stated that we are coordinating with the opposition party. and related people But right now it is still in the process of discussion with the coordination person. When the reporter asked if he was confident or not. that it will be able to collect up to 20,000 signatures according to the target, Mr. Nasser said, will the target be reached or not? It will prove that people will jo in in the treatment. And adhere to the justice process of Thailand to survive or not. Source: Thai News Agency