The new method can be considered an attempt to get the Senate to be neutral.

Parliament, "Wanchai" indicates a new dimension where many people are interested in applying for Senate, wanting to make changes and get neutral Senators. It's not a drag or a multi-colored senator, admitting that there might be a ploy to block voting results at the district-province level. The Election Commission's duty must be to investigate. Mr. Wanchai Sonsiri, Member of the Senate (Senator), spoke about the atmosphere of accepting applications. The new group of senators today (May 20) is the first day that as far as following and having the opportunity to give lectures in many places. I think people are interested. and very alert It is considered a new dimension. It's a good atmosphere. This probably has a reason from the mood of wanting to change the Senate to a new form. different from before Just like the last election. Many people came out to exercise their rights because they wanted to be in government. Including rules that allow you to choose among yourself. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of pe ople came to vote. It is considered a good sign. At least there is pride that it did not come from the wrong appointment of the previous senators. 'It is admirable. He will be proud and independent. and political neutrality. In various matters that arise there will be laws amended and any actions taken according to authority and duties. There will be no scandal about whether that person gave the order, this person gave the order, or it was according to orders or anything else. I believe that the person who will become the new senator See anything you don't like? and saw that it was not good It is believed that he would come in and make all activities responsive to the people through direct and cross-selection mechanisms. Although not representative of the people But they are representatives of professional groups,' Mr. Wanchai said. As for the concern that this election of senators will have a lot of votes. Making the selection impure, Mr. Wanchai said that actions in this manner are considered illegal. But people who want to hold positions may use various methods as they follow the selection at the district and provincial levels. There is a possibility But when it comes to the national level, it's not easy. There may be some loopholes which are The Election Commission must investigate Collect information and complete the process. If caught, it is a matter of imprisonment. Continue to be on the schedule and revoke rights. When asked about the ban on Senate applicants limiting self-introductions Is it considered to be closing the eyes and ears of the people? Mr. Wanchai said that now he is not closing the eyes and ears of the people. Because electronic voting is allowed. People will know that each district and province Are there any applicants? But he didn't come down to vote. Introduce yourself to the applicant. Therefore, applicants will already know each other. 'For example, like I am in Bangkok. I don't know the Ranong MP. or Surat Thani It's normal. like this case He lets the candidates get to know each ot her. Introduce each other Therefore, there are hundreds of thousands of people at the district and provincial levels. and the country may know But the public is watching. Because the rules are like this which is a mechanism that has been used before Whether it is the election of the National Legislative Assembly. and Senators according to the 1997 Constitution,' Mr. Wanchai said. Mr. Wanchai said that on the other hand, he believed that if today the Senate elections were opened. You will only get orange, red, blue, or even orange senators. Big house. How is it different from the MP? But if the appointment method is used, it will be accused of dragging out the appointment. Therefore, new innovations must be used. Will it be good or bad? Will the results be satisfactory or not? We have to wait and follow and change the constitution next time. But I believe this is an attempt to keep the Senate neutral. He is a true expert. So I want you to try it out. And I would like to confirm that the Election Commission is the only person following the rules set by the Constitution. Source: Thai News Agency