The newspaper expects energy consumption in 2024 to grow 3.1%, while in 2023 it will grow 0.8%.

Bangkok, The Energy Policy and Planning Office (NEPA) revealed that primary energy use in 2023 increased by 0.8 compared to the previous year, at a level of 2,007 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. From the improving domestic economic situation, for 2024 it is expected to increase by 3.1 percent to 2,063 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. from the increase in energy use of all types In line with the economic expansion in the country. Mr. Weerapat Kiatfuengfu Director of the Energy Policy and Planning Office (NEPA) revealed the energy situation in 2023, finding that primary energy use increased by 0.8 percent compared to the previous year, at a level of 2,007 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. From the domestic economic situation that has improved. This increased in the use of oil and natural gas. Oil use increased by 0.3 percent and natural gas use increased by as much as 9.1 percent from a lower base than normal last year. This is an increase from the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) used in electricity generation as demand for natural gas as a fuel in electricity production increases. Meanwhile, the use of hydropower/imported electricity decreased by 6.4 percent due to a decrease in the amount of hydropower imported from Lao PDR due to drought problems. The energy situation by fuel in 2023 can be summarized as follows. Using refined oil Increased by 0.7 percent to 138.4 million liters per day. The use of diesel decreased by 5.7 percent, averaging at 68.9 million liters per day. Use of gasoline and gasohol Increased by 4.0 percent, averaging at 31.4 million liters per day. For use in jet fuel An increase of 49.9 percent, averaging at 13.7 million liters per day. Fuel oil decreased by 15.8 percent, averaging at 5.4 million liters per day. The use of LPG, propane and butane increased by 1.5 percent to 6,542 thousand tons, driven by the use of LPG as a raw material in the petrochemical industry. which had the highest proportion of use, accounting for 43 percent, with an increase of 1 .1 percent in use in the transportation sector had a share of 14 percent, an increase of 3.5 percent. The industrial sector had a share of 11 percent, a slight increase of 0.3 percent, while personal use had a share of 1 percent with a 97.9 percent increase in use, while the household sector had a share of 31 percent, a decrease of 0.6 percent in natural gas use. Increased 6.4 percent to 4,410 million cubic feet per day. This came from use to produce electricity that increased 12.0 percent following increased demand for electricity from the recovery of the domestic economy and the price of short-term LNG imports (Spot LNG) that decreased. Therefore, more Spot LNG is imported to reduce the cost of producing electricity. For use in the petrochemical industry and others That increased by 0.4 percent, while industrial use decreased by 3.3 percent and use as vehicle fuel (NGV) decreased by 2.5 percent. The use of coal/lignite decreased by 15.0 percent to 14,450 thousand tons of oil equivalent (KTOE) from industri al use decreasing by 13.3 percent and coal use in IPP power plants decreasing by 31.4 percent. For the use of lignite, the reduction decreased 10.6 percent to 3,179 thousand tons of oil equivalent (KTOE). 99 percent of lignite use is used in the electricity production sector in the Mae Moh Power Plant of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). For the proportion of lignite use that The remaining 1 percent is used in the industrial sector. However, as of April 2023, lignite has not been used in the industrial sector. Due to the expiration of the license for the lignite mine in the country. Electrical use An increase of 3.4 percent, with a total of 203,923 million units used, coming from electricity use in business fields related to tourism and services, which has continued to expand. As a result, electricity consumption in business areas increased by 8.4 percent, with electricity consumption in hotels increasing by as much as 22.5 percent. Electricity consumption in apartments and guesthouses increased by 8.4 percent. Department stores, retail stores, and wholesale stores increased by 15.0, 3.7, 6.9, and 4.0 percent, respectively. Electricity use in households increased by 7.4 percent and other fields (non-profit organizations Pumping water for agriculture Temporary electricity and public electricity) increased by 12.7 percent, while electricity use in the industrial sector, which accounted for 42 percent of electricity use, decreased by 2.6 percent due to the global economic slowdown, resulting in the production of products for Exports shrank in the first 3 quarters of 2023. The peak power demand of the 3 electricity systems in 2023 occurred on May 6, 2023 at 9:41 p.m. at 34,827 MW, an increase of 5.0 percent compared to with the highest demand for electricity in the 3 Electricity Authority systems of the previous year For estimating the country's energy demand in 2024, important assumptions are considered for the estimation, namely the growth trend of the domestic economy (GDP) in 2024 of the N ational Economic and Social Development Council (NESDB) when On February 19, 2024, it is expected that it will expand in the range of 2.2 - 3.2 percent, with important supporting factors from the expansion of the merchandise export sector following the recovery of world trade. In addition, the continuous recovery of the tourism sector It is expected that the demand for primary commercial energy in 2024 will increase by 3.1 percent to 2,063 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. from the increase in energy use of all types In line with the economic expansion in the country. The use of oil will increase by 3.1 percent, the use of natural gas is expected to increase by 2.5 percent, the use of coal/lignite will increase by 2.4 percent, the use of refined oil in 2024 will increase by 3.3 percent and Estimated electricity demand in 2024 will increase by 3.1 percent in line with improved economic conditions. and increased temperatures according to the Meteorological Department, it is expected that the temperatu re in 2024 will be approximately 1.2 degrees Celsius higher compared to the previous year. This is expected to result in the peak electricity use in 2024 being approximately 35,000 MW, an average of 15-16% higher than last year. 'This year the weather is warmer. The first peak of the year occurred on March 7 at 32,508.2 MW, while in 2023 the peak power was at 34,827 MW on May 6, 2023 at 9:41 p.m., which increased electricity consumption resulting in reserves. Electricity has decreased to 30%, while this year it is expected that the demand for electricity will increase. It should peak at around 35,000 MW, which will result in the power reserve being reduced to around 25%.' As for the progress of the country's electric power development plan 2023-2037 or PDP 2024, it is expected that public comments will be opened in early April 2024 for the National Energy Plan section. Which is an integration of 5 sub-plans together, consisting of 1. Thailand's Electrical Power Development Plan (PDP) 2. Renewable Energy and Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP) 3. Energy Conservation Plan (EEP) 4. Management Plan Natural gas (Gas Plan) and 5. Fuel Management Plan (Oil Plan) will be open for comments in the third quarter of this year to be presented to the Energy Policy Executive Committee (OBEC) and the Energy Policy Committee. National (NEPC) next. Source: Thai News Agency

The newspaper expects energy consumption in 2024 to grow 3.1%, while in 2023 it will grow 0.8%.

Bangkok, The Energy Policy and Planning Office (NEPA) revealed that primary energy use in 2023 increased by 0.8 compared to the previous year, at a level of 2,007 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. From the improving domestic economic situation, for 2024 it is expected to increase by 3.1 percent to 2,063 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. from the increase in energy use of all types In line with the economic expansion in the country. Mr. Weerapat Kiatfuengfu Director of the Energy Policy and Planning Office (NEPA) revealed the energy situation in 2023, finding that primary energy use increased by 0.8 percent compared to the previous year, at a level of 2,007 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. From the domestic economic situation that has improved. This increased in the use of oil and natural gas. Oil use increased by 0.3 percent and natural gas use increased by as much as 9.1 percent from a lower base than normal last year. This is an increase from the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) used in electricity generation as demand for natural gas as a fuel in electricity production increases. Meanwhile, the use of hydropower/imported electricity decreased by 6.4 percent due to a decrease in the amount of hydropower imported from Lao PDR due to drought problems. The energy situation by fuel in 2023 can be summarized as follows. Using refined oil Increased by 0.7 percent to 138.4 million liters per day. The use of diesel decreased by 5.7 percent, averaging at 68.9 million liters per day. Use of gasoline and gasohol Increased by 4.0 percent, averaging at 31.4 million liters per day. For use in jet fuel An increase of 49.9 percent, averaging at 13.7 million liters per day. Fuel oil decreased by 15.8 percent, averaging at 5.4 million liters per day. The use of LPG, propane and butane increased by 1.5 percent to 6,542 thousand tons, driven by the use of LPG as a raw material in the petrochemical industry. which had the highest proportion of use, accounting for 43 percent, with an increase of 1 .1 percent in use in the transportation sector had a share of 14 percent, an increase of 3.5 percent. The industrial sector had a share of 11 percent, a slight increase of 0.3 percent, while personal use had a share of 1 percent with a 97.9 percent increase in use, while the household sector had a share of 31 percent, a decrease of 0.6 percent in natural gas use. Increased 6.4 percent to 4,410 million cubic feet per day. This came from use to produce electricity that increased 12.0 percent following increased demand for electricity from the recovery of the domestic economy and the price of short-term LNG imports (Spot LNG) that decreased. Therefore, more Spot LNG is imported to reduce the cost of producing electricity. For use in the petrochemical industry and others That increased by 0.4 percent, while industrial use decreased by 3.3 percent and use as vehicle fuel (NGV) decreased by 2.5 percent. The use of coal/lignite decreased by 15.0 percent to 14,450 thousand tons of oil equivalent (KTOE) from industri al use decreasing by 13.3 percent and coal use in IPP power plants decreasing by 31.4 percent. For the use of lignite, the reduction decreased 10.6 percent to 3,179 thousand tons of oil equivalent (KTOE). 99 percent of lignite use is used in the electricity production sector in the Mae Moh Power Plant of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). For the proportion of lignite use that The remaining 1 percent is used in the industrial sector. However, as of April 2023, lignite has not been used in the industrial sector. Due to the expiration of the license for the lignite mine in the country. Electrical use An increase of 3.4 percent, with a total of 203,923 million units used, coming from electricity use in business fields related to tourism and services, which has continued to expand. As a result, electricity consumption in business areas increased by 8.4 percent, with electricity consumption in hotels increasing by as much as 22.5 percent. Electricity consumption in apartments and guesthouses increased by 8.4 percent. Department stores, retail stores, and wholesale stores increased by 15.0, 3.7, 6.9, and 4.0 percent, respectively. Electricity use in households increased by 7.4 percent and other fields (non-profit organizations Pumping water for agriculture Temporary electricity and public electricity) increased by 12.7 percent, while electricity use in the industrial sector, which accounted for 42 percent of electricity use, decreased by 2.6 percent due to the global economic slowdown, resulting in the production of products for Exports shrank in the first 3 quarters of 2023. The peak power demand of the 3 electricity systems in 2023 occurred on May 6, 2023 at 9:41 p.m. at 34,827 MW, an increase of 5.0 percent compared to with the highest demand for electricity in the 3 Electricity Authority systems of the previous year For estimating the country's energy demand in 2024, important assumptions are considered for the estimation, namely the growth trend of the domestic economy (GDP) in 2024 of the N ational Economic and Social Development Council (NESDB) when On February 19, 2024, it is expected that it will expand in the range of 2.2 - 3.2 percent, with important supporting factors from the expansion of the merchandise export sector following the recovery of world trade. In addition, the continuous recovery of the tourism sector It is expected that the demand for primary commercial energy in 2024 will increase by 3.1 percent to 2,063 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day. from the increase in energy use of all types In line with the economic expansion in the country. The use of oil will increase by 3.1 percent, the use of natural gas is expected to increase by 2.5 percent, the use of coal/lignite will increase by 2.4 percent, the use of refined oil in 2024 will increase by 3.3 percent and Estimated electricity demand in 2024 will increase by 3.1 percent in line with improved economic conditions. and increased temperatures according to the Meteorological Department, it is expected that the temperatu re in 2024 will be approximately 1.2 degrees Celsius higher compared to the previous year. This is expected to result in the peak electricity use in 2024 being approximately 35,000 MW, an average of 15-16% higher than last year. 'This year the weather is warmer. The first peak of the year occurred on March 7 at 32,508.2 MW, while in 2023 the peak power was at 34,827 MW on May 6, 2023 at 9:41 p.m., which increased electricity consumption resulting in reserves. Electricity has decreased to 30%, while this year it is expected that the demand for electricity will increase. It should peak at around 35,000 MW, which will result in the power reserve being reduced to around 25%.' As for the progress of the country's electric power development plan 2023-2037 or PDP 2024, it is expected that public comments will be opened in early April 2024 for the National Energy Plan section. Which is an integration of 5 sub-plans together, consisting of 1. Thailand's Electrical Power Development Plan (PDP) 2. Renewable Energy and Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP) 3. Energy Conservation Plan (EEP) 4. Management Plan Natural gas (Gas Plan) and 5. Fuel Management Plan (Oil Plan) will be open for comments in the third quarter of this year to be presented to the Energy Policy Executive Committee (OBEC) and the Energy Policy Committee. National (NEPC) next. Source: Thai News Agency