The Office of the Budget asks the Budget Office.

Bangkok, The Office of the Provincial Administrative Organization is not worried about the high public debt of 62.23 percent to GEP, reiterating that it will move forward with a loan of 750 billion baht after being satisfied that risk factors have been managed as planned, requesting the Budget Bureau to allocate additional debt repayment budget. Mrs. Jindarat Wiriyataweekul, spokesperson for the Public Debt Management Office, revealed that the current public debt-to-GDP ratio is 62.23 percent from the ceiling of 70 percent of GDP amid fluctuating interest rates. It is accepted that Thailand has very little exchange rate risk. This is because Thailand has very low foreign loans, only 4,500 million US dollars, when considering 3 risk factors affecting debt burden. There are both exchange rates Loan interest rate debt restructuring I admit that I'm still not worried. For risk management tools in 4 areas: 1. The government adheres to guidelines in accordance with the fiscal discipline framework to not exceed t he ceiling of 70 percent from the current 62.23 percent of GDP. 2. Adheres to the principle of taking care of the government's debt burden towards the revenue target. Currently achieved 26 percent from the target of 35 percent. 3. Maintain the ratio of foreign loans to public debt not to exceed 10 percent, but currently 1.4 percent. 4. Debt in foreign currency to export income does not exceed 10 percent. 5 Currently 0.05 percent, it is considered that risk management in all 4 areas is still within the manageable framework. Therefore, the Office of the Basic Education Commission is moving forward with borrowing money to compensate for the 2024 budget deficit and other areas, totaling 750,000 million baht in 2024. Accept that setting a budget for the Ministry of Finance to repay loan debt in accordance with the Fiscal and Financial Discipline Act. A ratio of 2.5-4 percent is considered sufficient government revenue. to use some of it to pay off debt At this time, the Budget Bureau has allocated within the fram ework, in 2023 allocated to 3.1 percent, in 2024 allocated to 3.4 percent, admitting that the Budget Office It also focuses on allocations to state enterprises to support important projects. But when the Treasury has to borrow a large amount of money So I want it to be flexible. Increase interest payments to the Ministry of Finance. In order to reduce the burden of interest on loans. by the Ministry of Finance Still moving forward with debt restructuring in a period of high interest rates. Source: Thai News Agency