The Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission opens applications for selection of representatives of private, non-profit organizations.

Bangkok, The Energy Regulatory Commission Office is accepting applications for selection of representatives of private, non-profit organizations in business to be members of the Energy Regulatory Commission's selection committee. Between 13 - 27 March 2024 According to the Energy Business Act B.E. 2007, there is an Energy Regulatory Commission. Responsible for overseeing energy business operations Four members of the Energy Regulatory Commission will expire on September 30, 2024, and according to Section 14, it has been established that there will be a selection committee for the Energy Regulatory Commission to select persons who deserve to be nominated as members. Energy Regulatory Commission The composition of the selection committee consists of (1) people who previously held the position of Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy; Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Industry or Secretary-General of the National Economic and Social Development Board, 4 peo ple (2) representatives of industrial councils who are not Energy business operator, 1 person; (3) representative of the Council of Engineers, 1 person; (4) representative of the rector of a public higher education institution, 1 person; and (5) representative of a private non-profit organization in business. Consumer protection or natural resources and environment or energy, 1 person, to select a representative of a private, non-profit business organization to be one of the Energy Regulatory Commission selection committee. The Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission (Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission) acts as an administrative officer in the selection process. We therefore invite private organizations that are not for profit in business. that has a proven track record in consumer protection Natural resources and environment or energy sector for not less than 5 years, submit documents and evidence to support the registration request Along with nominating 1 person to be the representative of the o rganization to be selected as a member of the Energy Regulatory Commission's selection committee. Available from 13 - 27 March 2024 by attaching documents showing evidence of the organization's qualifications and organization representatives. According to the form attached to the announcement of the Ministry of Energy regarding criteria, methods and conditions for selecting representatives of private non-profit organizations in business to be members of the Energy Regulatory Commission Selection Committee, B.E. 2010, documents for submitting applications for registration can be downloaded. and documentary evidence showing the organization's qualifications and Organization representatives can be found at and send it to the Energy Regulatory Commission Office, No. 319, Chamchuri Square Building, 19th Floor, Phayathai Road, Pathumwan District, Bangkok 10330 by registered mail. Please write parentheses in the corner of the envelope to make it clear that 'Apply for selection of representatives of pr ivate non-profit organizations in business' and send via E-mail: Or contact the Human Resources Department at 0-2207-3599 ext. 744 In this regard, the Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission will announce the names of private non-profit organizations in business that have been registered. and a list of names of persons nominated by private, non-profit business organizations To be selected as a member of the Energy Regulatory Commission's selection committee. Along with specifying the date, time, and place to exercise the right to attend the meeting and select organization representatives to be members of the Energy Regulatory Commission's selection committee. Between 2 - 4 April 2024, the names will be posted at the Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of the Consumer Protection Board. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Ministry of Energy Including the website of the Energy Regulatory Commission Office and notify in writing to the organization a s well. Source: Thai News Agency