The Oil Fund subsidizes the diesel group by nearly 400 million baht/day.

Bangkok, The Fuel Fund waits for the day the tank breaks. After bearing the burden of subsidizing the diesel group, reaching 5.30 baht/liter or close to 400 million baht in order to keep diesel at a level not exceeding 30 baht/liter according to government policy after global oil fluctuations are expected to be negative in April, touching 100 billion baht. Reporters reported that World oil prices in February 2024 fluctuated highly because of the impact of unrest in the Red Sea. And the baht is still depreciating to the highest level in 3 months, while the government has a policy to take care of people's living expenses, including diesel not exceeding 30 baht per liter and gasohol 91, cooking gas price 423 baht per 15 kilogram tank, therefore sending As a result, the Fuel Fund must provide higher subsidies. Most recently, on February 15, the Oil Fund had to subsidize the diesel price by an additional 0.73 baht/liter from 4.57 baht/liter to 5.30 baht/liter, resulting in the Oil Fund Must pay a diesel subsidy of 375 million baht per day or an average of 375 million baht per month. 11 billion baht, while having to compensate for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) another 4.25 baht/kg, or approximately another 1,700 baht Million baht/month and taking care of gasohol 91 not to move too high This causes only 1.05 baht/liter to be collected, while gasohol 95 is collected at 2.40 baht/liter, causing the Oil Fund to flow out 320.50 million baht per day, or approximately 10,000 million baht per month, if the market price of diesel fuel is low. The world continues to fluctuate at an average level of 105-110 USD/barrel. It is expected that the Oil Fund's position will be negative by approximately 100,000 million baht by this April. As for the Oil Fund's position as of February 11, 2024, it has a net position of negative 87,828 million baht, divided into an LPG account of negative 46,584 million baht and an oil account of negative 41,244 million baht. At this time, the Ministry of Energy has consulted with the Ministry of Financ e on management. Liquidity of the fund by requesting that the diesel tax be reduced from the current rate of 5.06 baht/liter to maintain diesel at 30 baht or may have to increase the price of diesel. But there is still no clarity. Source: Thai News Agency