The People’s Party issued a statement disagreeing with the decision to remove “Settha” from the position of Prime Minister.

People's Party announces disagreement with Constitutional Court's decision to dismiss "Settha" from the position of Prime Minister, stating that ethics should be left to the people to decide. It is time to amend the constitution, control the power of the Constitutional Court and independent organizations within the scope. Mr. Panusaya Wacharasindhu, a party-list MP of the Prachachon Party, stated the party's position and perspective on the Constitutional Court's ruling that Mr. Settha Thavisin should be removed from the position of Prime Minister, stating that he expressed his concern and disagreement with the incident that occurred today. The Prachachon Party insists that politicians should have ethics and honesty, but each person has a different interpretation of ethics. Therefore, as long as the action is blatantly corrupt, as clearly covered by the legal punishment, it can be seen that ethics should be a political responsibility that the people should decide. Therefore, the Prachachon Party disagrees wi th the 2017 Constitution giving the Constitutional Court and independent organizations a monopoly on the interpretation of ethical standards at their own discretion, risking it being used as a tool to remove politicians elected by the people, as in the case of Mr. Settha today. The People's Party believes that today's events will make all sectors of society and all political parties see more clearly the urgent need to draft a new constitution and the need to review the scope of power and duties of the Constitutional Court and independent organizations, including setting ethical standards as a matter of political responsibility. As for the People's Party MPs, all will continue to work as members of the House of Representatives to push for changes that benefit the people. When asked if there were concerns about the Constitutional Court's rulings since the dissolution of Move Forward Party to the case of Mr. Settha, Mr. Panusaya said that even though the two incidents were different, society has increasingly q uestioned the review of the powers and duties of the Constitutional Court and independent organizations. If they still exist, how can we make the powers appropriate and within the scope? Or how can we create a process for obtaining Constitutional Court judges and independent organization office holders who are connected to the people, including designing rules and regulations and checking and balancing independent organizations? In terms of concrete discussions on the review of the Constitutional Court and independent organizations, it must be done through amendments to the constitution. The incidents that have occurred should make society see the urgent need to draft a new constitution even more. The People's Party hopes that the new constitution will be drafted by the people's Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA). When asked if the party had discussed the next prime ministerial vote, since the Prachachon Party did not have a prime ministerial candidate, Mr. Panusaya said that the next step was the responsi bility of the coalition parties to decide who to propose for the prime ministerial position. As for the Prachachon Party, we are acting as the core opposition party. From the dissolution of the Move Forward Party, legally the Prachachon Party does not have a prime ministerial candidate, and Mr. Pita Limjaroenrat, the prime ministerial candidate of the Move Forward Party, has been stripped of his political rights. However, the Prachachon Party will continue to perform its duties, whether it be in the role of checks and balances, or pushing for agendas that we believe are important to the people. When asked if there was any discussion about the cobra that might be voted in the next prime ministerial vote, Mr. Parit said that he was confident that all 143 MPs of the party would continue to work as one, in line with the ideology and position of the Prachachon Party, which was inherited from the Move Forward Party. Last week, we saw former Move Forward MPs who were not disqualified from politics apply for Prachac hon Party membership together, united and quickly, without any hesitation. This should be clear evidence that the Prachachon Party MPs will move forward together as one. When asked if there was an assessment that the House of Representatives would be dissolved, since the caretaker Prime Minister has the power to dissolve the House and the Prachachon Party will not be able to send candidates to run in the election because the party has been affiliated with it for less than 30 days, according to the Organic Law on Political Parties 2017, Mr. Parit said that we have analyzed every scenario, and the question is just one of the scenarios and does not mean that it will happen. As for whether the next prime minister should come from the Pheu Thai Party, Mr. Prisht stated that it must be a conversation that the coalition parties discuss. However, no matter who is nominated, the Prachachon Party will continue to perform its duties as the opposition leader to continue to monitor the government. -312. Source: Thai N ews Agency