The Prime Minister emphasizes that the economy must have a strong foundation to achieve it.

Bangkok, The Prime Minister gave a special speech at the Dinner Talk event "Thailand Level Up, upgrade Thailand" emphasizing that the economy must have a strong foundation to achieve it. Point out that the government gives importance to investing in agriculture. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Gave a special speech at the Dinner Talk event "Thailand Level Up, Upgrade Thailand". One episode said: Upgrade Thailand. It is a topic that is appropriate to the situation. If you can upgrade Thailand If the first base is not strong I believe that we will not be able to upgrade Thailand. On the other hand, if the foundation is strong, we will be able to push the top up. To have more income He said that this was an important matter. It is appropriate to talk about foundations first. If the foundation is not good, the development of the foundation The government is having a hard time working. For the economy to succeed, its foundation must be strong. The country will be calm. Most people mus t be happy. Must be thoroughly cared for Mr. Settha further said that since 4 months that we have come to perform our duties. I believe that it is a matter of helping the people. What we have done is about farmers. Suspension of farmers' debts The issue of debt suspension is the first point that will restore morale, restore dignity, and not have to worry about repaying debt. To be able to plant crops Making a living without having to pay interest And it is the duty of the government to open new products. and provide knowledge about agricultural products Mr. Settha also said that we have investments in high-speed rail. We have invested and have purchased products. Buying system work from abroad The money we invest creates GDP for China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, many countries. We can only earn wages ourselves. But we need to invest in infrastructure. But if we invest in not flooding or drought If we don't get flooded or drought Agricultural production will increase. The government attaches great importan ce to investment in agriculture. As for the minimum wage, the Prime Minister said it was a big issue. It is a matter of concern and importance to the lives of the people at the base of the pyramid. which will strengthen Thai society both economic and security matters It is very important. The Prime Minister also said that today he would have to talk about The price of rubber increased by 14 Overlapping days in the past 10 years Since tightening control over the amount of smuggled rubber, it has decreased significantly. 'The government is paying attention. Don't just put in money. Let's open up about the FTA trade market. We give importance because it expands other markets as well,' the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minister also spoke about the government's visits to the area, saying that they visit the area all the time. Cabinet meetings travel to many provinces. Two big problems, excluding agriculture, are PM 2.5, which is considered a basic human right that every human should receive. is clean air We attach great importance to this matter. including not burning forests Convert weeds left over from cultivation into products that generate income. The Prime Minister mentioned that LandBridge infrastructure development is our big policy. Because we invite companies to invest in the industry. Thailand has a population of only 70 million people. How big will the demand for electric locomotives and EV electric cars be? If he builds a production base He must be exported. The loading and unloading of goods began to be tight. We have to build it to support it. Source: Thai News Agency