The Prime Minister has not yet concluded the issue of “submarines and fighter jets”.

Government House, The Prime Minister has not yet concluded the issue of "submarines - fighter jets", indicating that if the information is incomplete, he will not make a decision, stating that he must discuss the trade benefits, revealing that he called the "US Ambassador" to propose the price of "F-16" along with the Offset Policy. Prime Minister Settha Thavisin gave an interview about the progress of the amendment of the submarine contract to change to use Chinese CHD620 engines, which is currently under legal examination by Prime Minister's Office Minister Chakraphong Sangmanee, who said that he intended to talk to Defense Minister Suthin Khlangsaeng, but has not yet talked because Suthin has a toothache. As for the report that the government wants to get more barter trade from China, the Prime Minister said that it is one of the bargaining chips, not just the submarines, but also the fighter jet project. Between the Gripen E from Sweden and the F-16 Block 70 from the United States, there must be a disc ussion on the trade compensation policy (Offset Policy) that is not just price alone. I don't want to talk about any one thing in particular. The discussion to approve (approve) must look at the whole loop. Yesterday (July 15), I called to talk to the US ambassador. The F-16 Block 70 also wants to present the Offset Policy along with the price. Prepare to consider together with the Gripen to make a decision. When asked if there will be more time, after the Air Force sent the results of the Gripen's score, beating the F-16, the Prime Minister said that he thought it could not be concluded yet because there was no Offset Policy, so he tried to do it as quickly as possible. Therefore, both companies must do their best because it is not a small amount of money. We must take into account the benefits of the people. Therefore, I ask for sympathy because we have to look carefully. As for whether there is a timeframe, the Prime Minister said that he does not know about the urgency, but he confirmed that if there is no readiness and the information is incomplete, then no decision will be made. When asked if the Air Force has the authority to decide which fighter jets to buy, can he confirm that the government will not interfere and let them buy according to what the government wants, but will consider and think together? The Prime Minister said that of course, we are already working together, and the Air Force understands the Offset Policy. He himself will not interfere in the procurement. Source: Thai News Agency