The Prime Minister ordered to accelerate the return of children and youth to the education system.

The Prime Minister ordered an urgent resolution to the problem of 1.02 million children and youth who have dropped out of the education system to zero. The search operation will begin in July 2024, aiming for Thailand Zero Dropout through 4 important measures to "search-assist-refer-care" for children and youth to return to the education system again. Mr. Chai Wachirong, the government spokesman, revealed that due to Mr. Settha Thavisin's concern for the future of Thai youth, he has ordered relevant agencies to integrate their work to solve the problem of children and youth outside the education system, search for and help youth aged 3-18 who are not found in the education system, and take care of and help these youth outside the education system to return to the education system, in accordance with the measures to drive Thailand to solve the problem of children and youth outside the education system to become zero or Thailand Zero Dropout, starting the search and help operation for youth outside the educat ion system from July 2024 in every province to develop human capital of Thailand for a sustainable future. The Prime Minister's Office spokesman said that the Cabinet has approved measures to drive Thailand to solve the problem of children and youth outside the education system to become zero or Thailand Zero Dropout (28 May 2024), showing the government's concern for children and youth outside the system, making it a national agenda. Thailand Zero Dropout consists of 4 important measures, including: Measures to search for children and youth outside the education system through the integration and linking of data from relevant agencies aim to lead to the discovery of children and youth outside the education system. Measures to monitor, assist, refer and care for children and youth outside the education system by integrating work between various agencies with the aim of providing appropriate assistance to each child and youth in terms of education, health, living conditions and social conditions. The measu res for providing flexible, quality education and learning that are appropriate for the potential of each child and youth aim to ensure that children and youth receive education and develop to their full potential. The measure to encourage private sector entrepreneurs to participate in education or learning management aims to encourage entrepreneurs to participate in education or learning management in the form of Learn to Earn. Starting from July 2024, every province will kick off the search and rescue process for children and youth outside the education system nationwide, using the 'Thai Zero Dropout' application to support missions, search, plan, assist, and connect, forward assistance at both the local and national levels, including tracking progress. 'The Prime Minister is concerned about the youth, the future of the nation. He has ordered the integration of databases and found that there are more than 1.02 million children and youth aged 3-18 whose data is not found in the education system. He has st rictly ordered the resolution of the problem of children and youth outside the education system to return to the education system. The Prime Minister emphasized that the issue of children is an issue that the government is concerned about and prioritizes at the primary level. He believes that the progress in working on this project and other government projects will allow Thai children to return to the system and receive appropriate development in terms of education and development for the future of the nation,' said Mr. Chai. By the way, "Who are Dropout Children? Dropout children are children who drop out of the education system. UNESCO and UNICEF have defined the term out-of-school children in 5 dimensions." Dimension 1: Early childhood children who do not attend kindergarten or primary school. Dimension 2: Children who enter school late, or who enter primary school but drop out of the system. Dimension 3: Children who enter school late, or who enter lower secondary school but drop out of the system. Dimension 4: Children at risk of dropping out of the system at the lower secondary level. Dimension 5: Children at risk of dropping out of the system at the lower secondary level. Source: Thai News Agency