The Prime Minister plans to take “Chao Sua” on a northeast-south flight to expand the product market.

Wing 41, Royal Thai Air Force, Chiang Mai Province, The Prime Minister prepares to continue taking "Chao Sua" on several courses to fly in the Northeast - South. Helping villagers expand the market for Royal Initiative products Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Gave an interview after bringing businessmen to Chiang Mai Province on January 20th, saying that it was the first time we brought businessmen down. I would like to thank the citizens and small entrepreneurs who took the time to talk and give knowledge to large, medium and small businessmen who studied with the Ruammit course. Because he had to give up his time to make a living. I have to thank you. Citizens who give opportunities to entrepreneurs who will help in the long run. which we focus on sustainability We don't want him to just come buy something and be done with it. I want him to help open the market for many good products and if there are any specific problems. He said that many people were happy. For example, on Ja nuary 20, there were hill tribes growing coffee and there was a lot of coffee left over. Mr. Chatchai Promlert, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PTT Public Company Limited, bought it all. This is considered a solution to the immediate problem. I would like these things to happen again often. will be closer together And if there are any problems, we can help each other. If you have a lot, give a lot. If you have a little, give. If you don't, you don't have to give. When asked whether he would like to expand it to other regions or not, the Prime Minister said that, of course, he would like to do it in every area, both the Northeast and the South as well. But the friendly course is only once a year, but there are also many courses such as the National Defense College (NDC), the Capital Market Science Institute (NCT), and I want everyone to help each other and do the same. I am happy about this because I believe that the government agency CPRO that takes care of both royal initiative projects I would like t o provide opportunities for business people and students to study these courses. Participate in meeting with the public. When asked further, one issue that villagers requested was leaves. How will the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) order this matter? The Prime Minister said there are many matters: 1. The matter of opening the market, which large entrepreneurs accept to help look at 2.About the source of funds which came with Mr. Chulaphan Amornwiwat, Deputy Finance Minister, he is already in charge of this matter and is also an MP in the area. Therefore, he accepted to help take care of the source of funds as well. And the matter of various permits is a matter of coincidence that he went to Davos. swiss confederation They have products such as medical supplies and medicines that come in and have a lot of problems here. We'll take a look at it in an integrated manner as well, not just the Swiss Confederation. The same is true of our fellow citizens. Because there are many documents that need to be passed through. Resulting in getting the license delayed and having to help improve and take care of this a lot. Source: Thai News Agency