The private sector would like to see the MPC cut interest rates next time, indicating that the economy can still recover but is fragile.

Bangkok, President of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Expect the results of the next MPC meeting. Want to see a reduction in interest rates. Emphasize that the economy can still recover but is fragile. Domestic purchasing power is still weak. Mr. Sanan Angubolkul, Chairman of the Board of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Thai Chamber of Commerce, revealed that the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce There was discussion and monitoring of the economic situation. Most recently, according to the MPC meeting, it was decided 5 to 2 to maintain the policy interest rate at 2.50 percent per year to be in line with the potential for lower economic expansion. From the structural factors, the Chamber of Commerce acknowledged the reasons for the committee's consideration. However, the private sector at the FTI meeting viewed that although the overall picture of the Thai economy this year will recover from factors supporting the tourism sector. But there is still some vulnerabili ty from domestic purchasing power that has not yet fully recovered. The manufacturing sector is still likely to shrink. It also faces many risks and challenges in geopolitical issues. Both elections will take place in many countries. This may cause important policy changes. The effects of the widening war, especially Israel-Hamas, have resulted in increased freight rates and affected energy prices. Problems of unrest in neighboring countries and competition with Chinese products in neighboring countries Meanwhile, the business sector is under pressure from interest rates that are still high, directly affecting operating costs. As for public borrowing, there is also a high level of debt burden. As for the general inflation numbers that have been negative for 4 consecutive months, although part of this is likely due to technical cuts. According to the government's policy to reduce the cost of living in energy. But this indicates weak domestic purchasing power. Therefore, the Chamber of Commerce has suggested t hat in the next period, the MPC should consider reducing interest rates. To help reduce the burden on the people Reduce operator costs This will reduce the risk of bad debt. Including proposing new measures to support entrepreneurs to have convenient access to funding sources. It will be an important mechanism to help increase purchasing power within the country. and serve as a support for the Thai economy to recover as planned. Source: Thai News Agency