The royal barge’s ceremonies have been completed and it will be launched on July 4th.

Royal Barge Museum, The Royal Thai Navy has completed its royal barge worship ceremony and is preparing to launch it on July 4. Thais and tourists are invited to view its beauty. Meanwhile, the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy is moved to tears, even though he retired before the royal ceremony, but he will prepare everything to the best of his ability. He revealed that the 2,200 personnel are deeply grateful for the royal grace that he has served. Admiral Adung Phan-iam, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy, presided over the ceremony to worship the spirits, the Buddhist ceremony, and pay homage to the spirits of 14 royal barges at the National Museum of Royal Barges, Arun Amarin Road, Bangkok Noi District. Eight royal barges participated, including the Suphannahong Royal Barge, Anantanakarat Royal Barge, Narai Song Suban King Rama IX Royal Barge, Anekchatphuchong Royal Barge, Ekkachai Henhao, Krut Tret Traijak, Krabi Prab Muang Marn, and Asura Wayupak. After the officers finished reading the incantation, the commander of the navy began the religious ceremony, lighting incense sticks and candles to worship the Triple Gem. The monks gave precepts, chanted Buddhist prayers, chanted blessings, and sprinkled holy water. The commander of the navy then blessed the boat, gilded it, tied colored cloth, hung garlands, threw popped rice and flowers to pay homage to the ship's spirit, and performed a dance to pay homage by the Fine Arts Department, which concluded the ceremony. At the same time, the Royal Barge Procession at Tha Wasukri Pier organized a ceremony to pay homage to 6 more royal barges: Ruea Ekkachai Lao Thong, Ruea Krabi Ran Ron Rap, Ruea Krut Heun Het, Ruea Pali Rang Thaweep, Ruea Sukreep Krong Muang, and Ruea Asura Paksi. For the worship of the local spirits, it is a ritual to acknowledge, respect and pay homage to the local spirits who protect and guard that place. The ritual is a prayer to invoke the power of the Buddha, the power of the Dharma, the power of the Sangha, the gods and angels , including the feet of the Four Great Kings, who are the leaders in all four directions, to come down and sit at the ceremony site and the ceremony to pay homage to the ship's spirit. It is an ancient belief that every ship has a ship's spirit spirit residing there, who protects and guards against all dangers. Before every sailing or putting a ship into use, a ceremony to worship the ship's spirit spirit is usually performed first for good fortune and morale of the ship's crew. Admiral Adung spoke about the preparations for the royal barge procession, saying that this month is an auspicious month for the 72nd anniversary of His Majesty the King. Today, the Royal Thai Navy, the Fine Arts Department, and the Royal Household Bureau are the 3 main agencies that have received royal permission to perform the ceremony. Today is a ceremony to pay homage to the spirits of the ship's spirits. After this, on July 4, all the ships will be put into the water and parked at Thonburi Dock, which is the navy's dry dock. Fr om August 1st onwards, the 52 ships will start rehearsing once a week for 12 weeks, and the dress rehearsal days will be on October 15th and 22nd. It is confirmed that all ships are 100% ready. The boat lullaby is complete. The personnel have rehearsed according to the scheduled time. The Royal Thai Navy, the Fine Arts Department, and the Royal Palace will present this work to the highest honor and will do their best for the Thai people and His Majesty. 'On July 28 and 29, His Majesty the King has granted permission for us to bring the Suphannahong boat, the Narai Song Suban Ratchanaram IX boat, and the Anantanakarat boat to be parked in the middle of the river and displayed with buoys at the Ratchaworadit Pier, along with two boat singing demonstrations at 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. At night, there will be lighting. For this royal ceremony, 2,200 personnel were used, and every navy officer feels the greatest gratitude in their lives for being able to serve this work and will do their best to serve His Majesty . Even though I have retired, I will prepare everything to the best of my ability to make this event as perfect as possible,' said the Navy Commander with tears in his eyes. Source: Thai News Agency