The Royal Thai Police Commission said the order for ‘Big Joke’ to resign from government service was legal.

Feb Police rule to dismiss appeal against 'Big Joke', indicating that the order to dismiss him from government service was lawful. 'Big Joke' confirmed that he had not yet received the decision, but if the result is negative, he will file a petition with the Supreme Administrative Court. Mr. Thawatchai Thai Khieo, a member of the Police Ethics Protection Committee or the Police Ethics Protection Committee and deputy spokesman of the Police Ethics Protection Committee, posted a message on his personal Facebook about the consideration of the appeal of Pol. Gen. Surachet Hakpal, deputy national police chief (deputy national police chief), who was ordered to temporarily resign from the civil service. Yesterday (August 5), the Police Ethics Protection Committee (P.E.P.C.) met to consider the case of interest and made a decision on the appeal of Pol. Gen. Surachet or Surachet Hakpal, deputy national police chief (deputy national police chief). The decision has been sent to the appellant and the parties to the app eal, and there is evidence that both parties have received the decision. Pol. Gen. Surachet appealed that the Royal Thai Police Office Order No. 178/2567 dated April 18, 2567, which ordered the appellant to temporarily resign from the civil service, was an unlawful order. He requested the Police Ethics Protection Committee to consider and rule to revoke the said order and other related requests because this case is of public interest and has been widely presented in the mass media, with a wide variety of opinions differing in both law and fact. The Police Commission has considered and made a decision in accordance with its powers and duties as prescribed by law and in accordance with the Police Commission Rules on Appeals and Appeal Consideration B.E. 2567, which stipulates the use of an investigation method and has proceeded to seek the facts, in which both parties have sufficient knowledge of the facts and have had the opportunity to argue and present their evidence. The facts of the appeal, the request for interim protection, the statement of the appellant, the counter-appeal of the parties to the appeal, the statements and related documents of both parties, and the oral statements of both parties are acceptable that the appellant has been accused of committing a criminal offense and has been subject to a serious disciplinary investigation committee. The party to the appeal, who is the commanding officer who issued the order, exercised the power under the National Police Act B.E. 2565, Section 105, Section 107, Section 1331, and Section 179, together with the Royal Thai Police Commission Regulation on the Pre-emptive Procedure B.E. 2567, issued an order to temporarily suspend the civil service. It is ruled that the Royal Thai Police Office Order No. 178/2567 dated 18 April 2567 is an order carried out in accordance with the criteria and methods prescribed by law and the Royal Thai Police Regulations and is an appropriate exercise of discretion. Therefore, it is a lawful order. The decision to dismiss the appeal and the request for temporary measures of the appellant. However, if the appellant does not agree with the decision of the Appeal Commission, he has the right to file a lawsuit with the Supreme Administrative Court by filing a lawsuit with a court official or by sending a lawsuit by registered mail within 90 days from the date of knowing or being deemed to have known of this decision. Pol. Gen. Surachet said that he personally did not know what the results were. He had not received the verdict and was waiting. He did not know that the Police Commission had a secret meeting yesterday until almost midnight. He confirmed that if the results were negative or the order to temporarily resign from the civil service was legal, he would submit it to the Supreme Administrative Court within 90 days. Source: Thai News Agency