The shooting group in RCA has at least 10 people, expected to arrive soon.

Bangkok, April 17 – The deputy commander of the investigation, Pol.Nor.Nor.1, stated that the group of people who had committed a shooting in the RCA late at night had not more than 10 people expected to be there soon.

Police Colonel Sakya Saengwan, deputy commander of the Metropolitan Police 1, revealed from interrogation of the accused. Initially, the two accused, Mr. Nattanon, 41 years old, and Mr. Natthaphon, 19 years old, were guilty of the charge. Act together, physically assault others and violate the Firearms Act. But when they arrived, they met with enemies and had arguments and fights. before the incident But the accused only testified that not a shooter There were six people injured by gunshots, all of whom were stray tourists. Didn't know the perpetrators and the enemy groups.

By now the police are chasing CCTV cameras. in the period before and during the incident to see what happened How many people are there in each party? Initially, now the CCTV camera in front of the store has been received and there are still CCTV cameras inside the store, showing that the two groups are about 10 people together and now the police are trying to contact the store owner but have not been able to contact them. because they had to be summoned for interrogation about measures for detecting firearms of tourists who use the service

When asked How did the accused bring the weapon into the store? Deputy Commander of the Metropolitan Police 1 said that the accused had hidden and secretly brought in Both weapons and physical examinations were performed before entering the store. 380 mm berets and 9 mm sigaur firearms are registered firearms. but does not match the name of the accused which the police are extending to the owners of firearms Including expanding the results to the perpetrators and opponents, it is expected that 1-2 days will get them all.

From the background check of the two suspects, it was found that Mr. Nattanon had a history of drug trafficking in the Din Daeng police station and Mr. Natthaphon had a history of burglary in Chonburi province. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency