The son of an assistant police officer rode a motorcycle home with a friend. 1 person was stabbed to death by a mysterious young man, 1 person was injured.

Buriram, Son of the village assistant headman. Finished with a contract to cut eucalyptus wood. Riding a motorbike home with two friends, I encountered a mysterious man hitchhiking. Thinking he was asking for help, he parked the car. Before being stabbed to death, 1 person injured 1 person. The son of the village headman and his friend rode a motorcycle home. Encountered a mysterious man hitchhiking on the side of the road. He stopped to help. In the end, one person was injured in the face with a knife, and one person was stabbed to death. The son of the assistant village headman, Nong Ki District, Buriram Province, finished his job cutting eucalyptus trees. Riding a motorcycle home with two friends, saw a mysterious man standing there hitchhiking. At first, I thought I was going to ask for help, so I parked the car and let the passenger walk over and ask. But instead, a mysterious man used a knife to slash his face open. The village headman's assistant's son saw the bad posture. He ran in to help but was stabbed to the heart and died on the spot. Police from Nong Ki Police Station went to the scene of the incident near Sala Rim Thang. The entrance to Khu Khat Noi Village, Tha Pho Chai Subdistrict, Nong Ki District, on the Chok Chai-Det Udom Road. Only drops of blood were found on the road. As for the injured and the dead Relatives and villagers have taken him to the hospital. The name of the deceased is known to be Mr. Sorasak or Nong, 33 years old, the son of the village headman's assistant. Ban Khu Khat Noi One wound to the heart was stabbed with a knife. The injured person was Mr. Wutthichai or Aof, age 32, who had a knife wound on the right side of his face. Mr. Wutthichai, the injured person, told him that The man who committed the crime is approximately 30-40 years old. He and the deceased do not know each other. But I saw him standing there beckoning me to park my car. Best wishes Mr. Sorasak then parked the car. Then he walked in and asked if there was anything he could help with. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he used a knife to hit the right side of his face once. After that, Mr. Sorasak saw that he was in a bad position and got out of the car. Hope to come help you. But instead, a mysterious man used the same knife to stab Mr. Sorasak in the heart until he died. The man who committed the crime walked away holding a blood-stained knife. So he rode a motorcycle with blood all over his face and went to find other villagers to help. He confirmed that he had never known the perpetrator before. and did not know the reason why he was harming himself. Mrs. Phian, 53 years old, assistant village headman deceased mother Told through tears that Still shocked by the incident. Because my son has never had an affair with anyone. and did not know the perpetrator. Now I'm very sad. Because the son is a hard worker On the morning of the incident, he still brought money from work. I told my mother to save some money to finish the house. But in the evening I'll buy a new fan. But then I heard the bad news first. Really can't help my heart. As for the progress of the case Police have now been able to arrest the perpetrator. We will speed up the interrogation to find the motive for the incident again. Source: Thai News Agency