The Student Loan Fund explained that there was an automatic deduction after payment in the morning, and the money was deducted in the afternoon.

Bangkok, Student Loan Fund explains case of deduction of money, even though payment was made in the morning, in the afternoon it was automatically deducted from the account annually. The system is being urgently fixed and the excess money will be refunded. The Student Loan Fund (SLF) has clarified the case in which the media published a clip posted by a TikTok member who is a borrower, saying that the SLF had deducted all the money from his account, even though he had just paid this morning. The fund found that it was an automatic annual deduction on July 5, and the deduction was made in the morning before the borrower paid back the money himself, resulting in an overpayment. The fund has now transferred the money back to the borrower's account. Mr. Chainarong Kachpanan, Manager of the Student Loan Fund (SLF), revealed that in the case of a TikTok member who is a borrower posting a clip questioning the case of the SLF deducting money from the account, even though the money was paid this morning via the SLF Connect application, the fund still had money deducted. The fund would like to clarify that the deduction from the borrower's savings account in such a case is an automatic debit (Auto debit), which is a prior consent and the fund will deduct money on July 5 of every year. The Fund deducted money from the savings account of the borrower at 08.52 hrs. Later, the borrower paid by himself via another bank's application at 09.55 hrs., causing the borrower to pay more than the amount due in that installment. However, to alleviate the damage to the borrower, the Fund has already refunded the excess payment. Source: Thai News Agency

The Student Loan Fund explained that there was an automatic deduction after payment in the morning, and the money was deducted in the afternoon.

Bangkok, Student Loan Fund explains case of deduction of money, even though payment was made in the morning, in the afternoon it was automatically deducted from the account annually. The system is being urgently fixed and the excess money will be refunded. The Student Loan Fund (SLF) has clarified the case in which the media published a clip posted by a TikTok member who is a borrower, saying that the SLF had deducted all the money from his account, even though he had just paid this morning. The fund found that it was an automatic annual deduction on July 5, and the deduction was made in the morning before the borrower paid back the money himself, resulting in an overpayment. The fund has now transferred the money back to the borrower's account. Mr. Chainarong Kachpanan, Manager of the Student Loan Fund (SLF), revealed that in the case of a TikTok member who is a borrower posting a clip questioning the case of the SLF deducting money from the account, even though the money was paid this morning via the SLF Connect application, the fund still had money deducted. The fund would like to clarify that the deduction from the borrower's savings account in such a case is an automatic debit (Auto debit), which is a prior consent and the fund will deduct money on July 5 of every year. The Fund deducted money from the savings account of the borrower at 08.52 hrs. Later, the borrower paid by himself via another bank's application at 09.55 hrs., causing the borrower to pay more than the amount due in that installment. However, to alleviate the damage to the borrower, the Fund has already refunded the excess payment. Source: Thai News Agency