The working group of 8 joint parties went to the Chainat area. Follow the El Niño trend.

Bangkok, July 9 – A working group of 8 coalition parties visited Chainat province to follow up on the trend of the “El Niño” situation, joining in discussions with government officials and people. Improving the water management system Make both short-term and long-term proposals Resolving both drought and permanent flooding

On July 9, 2023, at the Manorom Water Supply and Maintenance Project, Chainat Province, the 8-party coalition government working group on drought and El Nino Participated in meetings with government agencies and people's representatives from water user groups. ready to explore the water management system in the area of the Manorom Water Transmission and Maintenance Project both at the Khlong 2 water pumping plant on the right, the eastern drainage canal Chainat - Pasak and Huai Nong Rong Reservoir to jointly set guidelines for the 8-party working group to prepare for the next El Niño situation

Mr. Dejrat Sukkamnerd, director of the Kao Klai Party Policy Center, one of the 8 coalition working groups, stated that the El Niño situation that has occurred until now. It can be seen clearly that the amount of rain is less than normal by more than 20%. Only in the central region, there is about 50% less rain than usual. Even though there are farmers in the irrigated area who can make rice fields But it is necessary to send water to help. Therefore, this year's El Niño situation is expected to be severe. And will continue to affect until next year's dry season as well

According to studies and discussions with relevant government agencies and people All the time until today, the 8-party working group has a preliminary proposal. both urgent measures and long-term measures especially in the urgent period The situation must be closely watched. and plans for water management in large reservoirs Currently, the amount of usable water has decreased to only over 20% if poorly managed. At the end of the rainy season, the beginning of next year's dry season, there may be only half of the water in the reservoir remaining. This will make the 2024 dry season more problematic.

Mr. Dejrat went on to say that, therefore, water management in the reservoir is very important. If you plan well Water management will be effective. For example, at Klong 2 Khwai, where the working group of 8 coalition parties came to survey today. which can reduce water consumption by half and also reduce the amount of electricity used for pumping water compared to oil can account for up to 90% of the cost reduction

“As a person who will become the government There must be a plan to support the farmers who are unable to farm during the dry season. or switch to other crops How do you get other jobs during the dry season? This is what the Eight Party Coalition Working Group is discussing. There will be a summary meeting tomorrow, ”said Mr. Decharat.

In this regard, the 8-party coalition working group has proposals for measures to deal with the El Niño situation. In the urgent phase, it consists of 1) monitoring the weather forecast in each area. especially the drought index and rainfall in the next 3 months closely. 2) Plan/manage water in the reservoir. Especially large and medium reservoirs. in accordance with the rain situation and the water situation in order to have enough water in the reservoir until the dry season of 2025

3) Provide urgent assistance to people in drought-stricken areas and water shortages. both in digging artesian wells for consumption and for agriculture, adding water storage ponds in farmers' fields and locally, providing and improving reserved water sources for waterworks and reserve water for consumption in communities and public places. 4) Prepare crop cultivation plans in line with the rainy situation and water management in reservoirs, and 5) Improve water use efficiency. to use water economically and cost-effectively reduce water loss increase the efficiency of water delivery of the irrigation system and investment for saving and increasing the efficiency of irrigation in farms for farmers

The long-term water management guidelines consist of 1) improving the water management structure to become an integrated system with information, linkages and real commands in all sectors. 2) Development of surveillance systems and incident command systems during crisis situations. Both drought and flooding. 3) Increase the proportion of investment in construction and development of small water storage systems. and the provision of small water sources. and should support roles and budgets for local government organizations

4) Promotion of agricultural systems that use less water and be ready to cope with climate change and developed into drinking water Including the reduction of water loss in the waterworks system. 6) Management arrangements. and plans to develop water resources water demand and technology for water circulation in areas with high water demand; 7) restoring ecosystems in various watersheds to complete

8) Increasing people's participation in water management in all processes and at all levels 9) Studying alternative methods for prevention and responding to saltwater intrusion; 10) enhancing wastewater management capacities at the source; and 11) proactive work in international water management mechanisms. both in the Mekong River Basin and the Salween River Basin to preserve the ecosystem in the river And to prevent negative impacts on the people in the watershed. – Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency